50 "Use your words, sunflower."

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Lilith's point of view
"How did it go?"

"I don't know. Well? I think.."

"Oh Lilith, you have a lot to learn."

"Maybe I do. But not from you."

Sam laughs and hangs up.

"Sorry." I say quietly and put my phone away.

"What were you gonna say?" I ask him.

"Not important."

"Are you sure?"

He nods. "I'm gonna go get a glass of water. Do you want one too?" He asks and stands up.

"Yes, please."

I feel so bad for acting like that earlier, I should tell him..

Tom came back with two glasses. He hands me one and out the other one down on his bedside table.


"Yes?" He asks curiously.

"I feel bad for acting like that earlier. I'm genuinely....sorry."

"It's okay. I really did not try to tell you what to do."

"I got that."

He sits down on "his" side of the bed. „Why did you come back?" he asks.

I shrug. „I'm guessing it's because I like you?"

„That sounded like a question." he chuckles. „Yeah, I don't know."

He shakes his head and smiles.

„What?" I ask and giggle. „Nothing."

My tummy growls. I haven't eaten anything in days.

Never intended to, it just happened.

I kind of like the feeling of starving yourself. It's euphoric.

And I even got skinnier. A lot. I used to eat so much in a day, I gained weight every day. I didn't do anything to stop it.

But since this whole Ryan drama happened, I have barley eaten anything if I ate.

After a while of watching the movie, Tom laying down behind me and I'm sitting up, I started to hear faint snoring.

I turn around to see a peacefully sleeping Tom. A smile making it's way on my face.

He's so cute.

Wait? What?

Confused I turn back around and continue watching the movie.

It's boring, but I can't sleep.

Something is keeping me awake.

But I don't know what.

The movie slowly ends and Tom's soft snoring stopped awhile ago.

I rest my head on the palm of my head.

I am tired, but I just can't lay down next to him.

The blanket behind me shuffled and I felt a hand going under my shirt, and starting to rub my back.

"Why are you still awake?" Tom asks with a sleepy voice. "I can't sleep." I answer him without looking at him.

"What's on your mind?" He asks, still rubbing my back.


His arm lingers around my waist and he pulls me back with him.

I'm technically not laying next to him. So..

"I know you enough to know that's not the truth." He says softly.

I stay quiet.

"I noticed that you never eat. At least I never saw you eat. You got skinnier, sunflower. But not in a healthy way."

I started to tear up. Crying in silence.

"You never needed to loose weight, you know. You're perfect the way you are."

I turned around to bury my face in his shirt and just sobbed.

"I'm sorry. I never wanted to." I sob.

"Just promise me you'll eat again."

I nod.

"Use your words, sunflower."

I sniff, "I will."

"You will what?"

"I will start eating again."

"Good." He says softly and puts his arms around me.

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