25 "I want to apologize."

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Lilith's point of view
"Ryan is here?" I ask Logan is disbelief.
He nods. "Like- Ryan? Our Ryan? Ryan Smith?"
"Yes, Lilith. Ryan is here. And he's looking for you..."

"How can you just sit here than?!" Sam asks. "What am I supposed to do? He seemed like he wants to apologize."

I let the cup, that was resting in my left hand, fall to the ground. "I told you." I say firmly to Sam and walk off.

"Where are you going?" Sam yells after me.

„Toilet!" I answer her and go to the portable toilets.

After I was done I searched Sam or Logan, who were both not where they were earlier.
I felt a strong hand grip my wrist.

When I turned around I saw Ryan.

My heart dropped at the sight of his face.

"Chill," he smiles, "I want to apologize."

"Alright, talk."

"What I've done, was wrong. And I'm sorry. I don't know what was going on in my head. Maybe it's because your attention was towards this other guy..."


"But I realized that it's not a reason to hurt anyone. Especially you."

I nod, "I accept the apology."

"But I don't forgive you, Ryan. You hurt me. Not only me, Sam and Logan too. And probably many others."

"Y-You don't forgive me?" "No."

He nods and walks away.

That was strange...

I turn around and spot Sam and Logan... making out..

When I accepted my fate that I'll be alone at this party, I didn't want to go in the first place, I noticed someone I never wanted to see here again.

Tom motherfucking Kaulitz.

He was holding a red solo cup and standing between a few guys, around a fire barrel.
He's moving so majestic, it's mesmerizing.

I want to talk to him. I want to tell him to leave.

But he's his own person, I warned him. If he still wants to come here, he can.

When he noticed me starring, he left his I guess friends and made his way over to me.

"Hey stalker boy."

"I know you said not to come. And I wasn't planning to. But my brother didn't listen."

"Woah there partner. You don't have to explain yourself to me. You're a grown ass man."

He nods. "Do you want to come with me? I feel kind of guilty if I'd leave you here."

"To your friends?" I ask in a jokingly flirty tone.
"If you behave like that maybe somewhere else." He laughs. "No I'm kidding. Yes to my friends."

"What? You want to to introduce me?" I ask while he was dragging me towards them.


"Wait who's tha-"

This can't turn out good.

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