75 „then.. and now."

495 23 15

Lilith's point of view
Tom was silent for the rest of the day, and it's making me insane.

"Tom, what's on your mind?" I ask and wrap my arms around him, while he's filling up a glass of water. "Nothing."

"That's a lie, Tom. I told you what was bothering me, why can't you?"

Tom sighs and drinks from his glass. „So? You know I won't leave you alone until I know." I say.

"It's just-... I don't get why Bill doesn't like you. I mean you didn't do anything."
"That's what's been bothering you?" I say and chuckle. "Yeah, it's stupid.. I know."

"No, it's not stupid, Tom.. I get it.." I try to ease his mind. "Really? You don't think it's stupid at all?" He asks with a hint of hope in his voice. "Not at all." I smile at him. "I'm glad you talked shit about me" I whisper and let go off him. „What?"

„We only met, because you like to talk shit.."

His eyes light up, as he seems to remember how we met and like we were to each other.

"And compare our behavior then.. and now." I add and chuckle.

"God, Lilith I love you so much."
"I.. I love you too, Tom."

He smiles brightly at me. "I wanted to wait.. Until you're ready? I guess.. But I can't wait anymore.." Tom starts talking and takes a deep breath.

I look at him confused as he plays with his bandana. „What is it?"

„Remember when.." he starts and sighs deeply, „When you said that your not made for love?"

"Yes.. I remember.."

"Well you were wrong. Like.. Completely wrong. And.. I know, it doesn't fit with you 'reputation' but you know that I don't give a damn about reputations."

"Tom what's going on.. You're making me nervous.."

"Could I.. Be your boyfriend?"

My jaw hit the floor. What?!
I stood there completely frozen.

While Tom was looking at me with hope glistening in his eyes, I was stuttering trying to get a 'yes' out of me.
"Are you serious?" I ask, instead of a simple 'yes'.
"I have no reason to not be serious, sunflower."

I stay silent again. My brain is not processing this fast enough.

"So?" He asks. The hope in his eyes is mixing with disappointment.

"I-" I stutter, "Yes!"

Tom's eyes light up and he wraps his arms around me. Holding me close.

God.. What has he done with me?

I'm alive🤞

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