62 "I love you, sunflower."

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Tom's point of view
I woke up and my head was pounding.
When I tried to sit up, my eyes were locked on my stomach.

What happened yesterday? And where am I?

Am I at Lilith's house? I swear I know this room..

Slowly I get up and walk to the door. Three more doors. Arguing downstairs.
Yes, I'm at Lilith's house.

I walk downstairs to find Logan and Lilith in the living room.
Neither of them noticed me, until the wood under me creaked.
"Hey." Logan says quickly and turns his attention back to the tv. Lilith stands up and walks towards me.
"How are we feeling?" She asks. "Good." I answer. She smiles and nods. Then she wraps my arms around my neck and hugs me. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer.

"I meant what I said yesterday." I mumble. "What?" She asks confused and pulls back, to look into my eyes.
"You know what I mean." I answer and roll my eyes. "I love you, sunflower."

She shakes her head, "No you don't..."
"Don't argue with me now." I say.
Lilith stays silent.
"Do you?" I ask quietly. No response. "You don't know, do you?"
Lilith shakes her head. I smile and put my hand on her cheek. Never breaking eye contact.

"You're not mad?" She then asks. "Of course not. Why should I?" I answer.
Lilith shrugs, "I guess, I'm not used to these words.."
"You better get used to them..."

She slightly smiles.

God I love her smile.

"Do you want dinner?" She asks and walks into the kitchen. "Not really-"

Before I could finish my sentence, she already has a plate in her hand.
"Don't panic, I didn't cook." She smiles and holds it out for me to take. "I liked what you made."
"Didn't seem like it."

I roll my eyes and walk after her into the living room. "I wouldn't sit in the middle." Logan says a second before I sat down. "Why?"

"Dried blood."

Ew. "How do you know it's only in the middle?" I ask and sit down closely to Lilith.

"It's my, fuck-I'm-shot, space." Lilith says and giggles.
"Okay?" I answer and start eating.

"You really gave him that?" Logan asks after awhile. "Yes?"
"Sam cooked that!"

"I cooked that with Lilith!" Sam says as she bursts into the room. "I only cut the cucumber!"

This is gonna be a long night.

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