76 "A real date."

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Tom's point of view
I can't believe she said yes. "I thought you'd say no."
"What? Why?"
"I don't know.."
I let go off her and looked in her eyes. Her beautiful eyes. Her smile is so different when she's actually happy.

God, mark my words, one day I'll marry this woman.
One day..

"Well, boyfriend, what's your plan for today?" She smiles and drinks from her glass. "I don't know.. Maybe you'd let me take you out?" I suggest. "What? Like a real date?" "Yes, sunflower. A real date." I answer and chuckle softly. "I don't know.." she says as her smile fades a bit. "What's wrong?"
"I just.. I don't think it'll be a date you'd expect.. I'm still a walking target." She says, without looking at me. I Cup her jaw with my hand, making her look at me.
"We don't have to go out, you know. I kind of forgot that you're here so you don't die." I say honestly. Lilith smiles weakly, "Thank you, Tom."

"Don't thank me, for that."

I chuckle softly as Lilith wraps her arms around me. "Some day you will have to go out anyway, right? I mean you can't hide forever.."
"But as long as I can."

We stay like this for awhile. Wrapped into each others arms. "I'm so lucky to have you, Tom. You changed me, do you know that?" "Changed you?"
"For the better. You showed me, that I can be happy."
My heart melts at her words. "And I'd show you again."
I felt a smile appear on her face.

We made food after a while, and sat down in the living room to eat. "You did a great job, Tommy." Lilith says with a mouthful. "Thanks."
I just admired her, while she was eating. I never noticed she has piercings in her ears.. An industrial and many more.

How did I never notice that?

I can't believe how pretty a human being can be.

And that pretty human being is my pretty human being.
My pretty woman.

"Meine schöne Frau." I whisper. "What?" "I Said 'meine schöne Frau'." "That helps a lot." She says sarcastically. "It means my pretty woman in German."
Her gaze softened. "You're so sweet."
"I tend to."

I start laughing and Lilith joins.
God her smile will kill me one day.

"I wonder how long I'll have to stay here" she says. "Me too.."

Guys it's been WAY to peaceful... Wasn't it?

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