63 "Sonnenblume."

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Lilith's point of view
"You're staying here?" I ask Tom while we're, still, sitting on the couch. "If that's fine with you guys." He answers.
"Good." I whisper and snuggle against him.
Logan's still beside us, but he's sound asleep.
"Why good?" He asks quietly.

"So I can check on your wound."

And I'd miss him.

We continued watching tv for half an hour until we went upstairs.

I gave him a new toothbrush and a towel, and shoved him into the bathroom. So I can tidy my room a bit.

As fast as possible, I shove the dirty laundry under the bed. The rest of my room is tidy. Just the laundry.

I take a Deep breath and in that moment Tom comes back. "You seem stressed." He says and puts his stuff down on the drawer. "I'm not."

"Sit down." I say and grab the first aid kit from yesterday. Tom does what he's told and lifts his shirt. "Alright, let's have a look."

I pull off the band aid. 'Oh' I mumble.

"It's totally sore..." I mumble and get the wound disinfectant. "What?" Tom asks.

Carefully I spray the wound and put a new sterilized compress on it.

"I can't believe they did this to you." I whispered and put all the stuff away. "If I had a chance to stop, before it was to late, I would. I'm sorry."

I lay down beside him and pull the blanket over us. "Don't be sorry, sunflower. I'm okay, because of you." He wraps his arms around me and holds me close.

"I still can't believe this." I mumble and turn around in his arms, to face him. "What?" He asks. His voice slowly getting deeper and more raw. "This." I let my hand wander around under his shirt, drawing his abs with my fingers.

"Du machst mich so verrückt, Lilith." he says. "What does that mean?"

"Nothing bad." He answers and lifts his head to place his lips on mine. I give in and close the, already small, space between us.
The cold of his Piercing is so soothing.

It was a short kiss, but it was full of love.

I never experienced anything like this. It felt so different than the other kisses.

When we pulled away, he kissed my forehead and I rested my head on his chest.

"Tom?" I ask after a moment of silence. "Yes?"
"What does sunflower mean in German?"


"Du machst mich so verrückt, Lilith."
"You make me so crazy, Lilith."

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