67 "We used to be family!"

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Lilith's point of view
"You're safe now." I whisper and let go off him.
He sits there on his own, still catching his breath.

I get up and walk over to Sam. "Take him home."
Then I start to walk to Logan. "Wait- what are you doing?" Sam asks.

"Ending this, once and for all." I say sternly and walk over to Logan.

"Car keys." I say and hold my palm open. He sighs and puts the keys in my hand.

I know he has a gun, that was originally for me, in his trunk. Not the biggest, but it's better than nothing.

Ryan's car is still parked. Fast I Open Logan's trunk and get the gun.

A Glock 17.

"Ryan, I know you're still here." I sigh and walk to the middle of the bridge. "Your car is still here."

I look around to figure out where he is, when I heard shuffling.
I turn around and see Ryan, two meters away from me.

"What are you gonna do, Lilith?" His voice shaking.

"I'm gonna end this terror. I'm so sick of this!" I reload the Glock and aim for his head.

Ryan makes a step forward.
"One more step and I'm going to shoot your brains out!" I yell.
"Why did you become like this?" I whisper and start to tear up.
"We used to be family!"

"It's because you started to fell for the enemy! He's a high life! And did you forget that you're a low life? Your life against his, you're worthless, you mean nothing. If you'd be dead no one would give a single fuck!"

"No... You're wrong. Unlike you, I have friends. But you're right, I am a low life, you are too. The difference between us is, that if I'd die people would care. And no one would care for you!"

"You're not gonna shoot me."

"Oh yeah?" I aim for his left arm and pull the trigger. "I'm not gonna shoot you, yeah?"
Reload it and aimed for his right arm, pulling the trigger.
"I'm gonna be happy when you're dead!" I yell.

I reload the gun and shot both of his thighs. He groans and whines out of pain.

"Should I poke your wounds too?" I tease and walk towards him. Still holding the gun at his head. "Lilith, don't!" He whines.

"Don't bother, Ryan." I say and put my finger in the wound on his left arm. He cries out of pain.
"Feels like hell, doesn't it?" I say and back up a bit again.

"This is for the rape." I start and shoot him in the right shoulder, "this is for my head." left shoulder, "This is for every other time you hurt me." his stomach.

"And this..." I swallow and walk one step closer to him. "This is for every time, you hurt Tom."

I aim for his forehead.

"No!" He cries out. "Lilith, ple-"

I pulled the trigger. His blood splashes in my face and he collapses to the floor.

Even if he didn't die from the head shot, he will die from the blood loss.

I take a deep breath and sit on the edge of the bridge. I didn't notice that Sam and Logan left with their cars...

Maybe I should go too...



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