46 "I'm kidding, Tom."

588 32 11

Lilith's point of view
I'm not sure what to think about Tom's brother.

Other than that they look identical and he does not like me.

They talk for a bit, when I scratched my back and had blood on my fingers.


"Not the time, sunflower." He says not looking at me.


"Not now." Still not looking.

"Tom!" I yell. He turns around and I hold up my fingers.
"What happened?"

"I scratched my back and there it was."

He walks up to me and I turn around.

I can feel his gentle touch on my back.
"It's not that bad."

Tom opens the drivers seat door and grabs something out of the glove compartment.

"What's that?"

"Wet wipes. To clean the dried blood."

He gently rubs the wet wipe over my back and throws it away. "You know, you'll have four new scars."

"Great, now I have hundred. If I counted right."

"Hundred?! God damn woman."

I shrug. "Well I'll go back to my friends."

"Wait.." Tom says and goes to the trunk of his car. "What?"

He pulls out a hoodie and hands it to me.
I give him a confused look.

"You're under cooled, sunflower. Put it on."

"I really hate pet names Tom."

"Get used to it."

"Fuck you, Kaulitz!" I say ironically.

"Well.. If you want to.."

"Right here? Right now?" I say and step forward a bit.

His eyes widen and he starts to laugh nervously.

"I'm kidding, Tom."

He breathes out relieved. "I'll take that personal." I simply say and put his hoodie on.

A small smirk forms on his lips as I do so. "I'll see you.. sometime." I say and start to walk away.

"She's driving you crazy, isn't she?" I hear his brother say. "Yes, but in a good way."

He's so cheesy.

"Logan said he can fix your car!" Sam smiles as I arrived at the circle of people she was standing in. "Good." I say and grab the bottle Sam was holding and drink a sip. "Why are you drinking straight beer? You never do." I ask Sam handing her the bottle again.

"Wrong question... Right question, who's hoodie are you wearing?"

I shrug, hoping she'd drop it.

"Is it Tom's?" She asks excitedly.

Me saying nothing just assured her.

„It is Toms! You're so in love!"


"You never wear other people's clothes! Not mine, not Logan's, not Ryan's. Never."

"So what? He wouldn't let me go until i put it on."

"Mhm, right."

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