52 "What?"

571 28 21

**Tw: detailed sexual scenes**

Lilith's point of view
After we ate, and I told Sam that I'll stay here for the day, we decided to watch a movie.

I tried to concentrate on the movie but it's so boring. When I looked at Tom, he was already looking at me.

"What?" I ask and giggle.

He looks from my eyes to my lips a few times. But then looks away, back into the tv.

Should I do it?

I've been wanting to..

Fuck it.

I gently grab his face and pull it so that he has to look at me. We lock eyes and just stare into each others eyes. His eyes wandering from mine to my lips. Slowly I lean forward. He's doing the same.

Closing the space between us.

His lips are so soft and fit perfectly on mine. The cold of his Piercing is soothing too.

He pulls away and smiles. I grab his face and pull lock our lips again, sliding onto his lap.

Slowly opening his mouth and grants me entry. I slide my tongue into his mouth. Even though I started it, he got the control over the kiss.

He grabs my hips and grinds them back and forth on his lap.

Slowly I could feel him getting hard under me.

I break the kiss for a second, "Do I really turn you on that much?" I ask him with a pleased smile. For an answer he just pulls me back in.

He plants a trail of kisses down from my jaw to my chest. Leaving hickeys here and there.

With my hands I slide under his shirt, tracing his muscles with my fingers and slowly rising his shirt. He lifts his arms up and i pull it over his head.

I admire his body for awhile. "Like what you see?" He chuckles. "Maybe." I say and pull him back in. I rest my hands on his neck.
He slides his hands under my hoodie and snaps my bra open with one hand movement.

Oh Lord.

He chuckles and pulls my hoodie up. Revealing my loose bra. I lift up my arms and throw it on the floor.

He just stares at me with a mesmerized face.

Suddenly he picks me up and holds me up and I'm wrapping my legs around his waist.

Giggling while he's carrying me upstairs. While he walked up the stairs, I kinda lost my bra.

In his bedroom, he let me down, and started undoing his pants.

"Kneel down." He says with heavy breathing.

I get on my knees and pull down his boxers. He's already really hard. Slowly I grab his length and rub my hand back and forth. Making him groan.
After a good amount of time I take his length in my mouth. Taking it as deep as I can.
Again, going back and forth.

Shortly before he could release, he pressed my head towards him. Supposedly making me gag, but it didn't.

He groaned as the hot fluid shot down my throat. I took his length out and swallow.

With a smile, he gently rubs my head.

"Good girl."




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