70 "Don't play stupid Lilith!"

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Lilith's point of view
I didn't want to be alone here, so I called Tom and asked if he wanted to come over.
It's like I'm a teenager in high school. "Do you wanna come over?" I mock myself while going downstairs to open the door.
I was about to greet him when I saw who it was.
Well it's not Tom, that's for sure.

"Missed me?"

"No." I say and slam the door shut. "You can't run forever, Babygirl!"
"Fuck off Byron!" I yell.

I heard a car approach and footsteps get distant. Then I heard talking and footsteps approaching again.

Another knock on the door. I sigh deeply and open the door. "Thank god it's you!" I say and walk into the kitchen, Tom closed the door and followed me.

The tension he brought into my house is so noticeable, you could grab it. "Is it true?" He asks. "What?" I turn around and face him. Anger is written in his face. "What's wrong?" I ask.
"You really had sex with him?!" He yells at me and points outside.

Fuck, what?!

"I had what with who?!"
"Don't play stupid Lilith! Just tell me!"
"Why should I have sex with him, hm? He tries to kill me every goddamn day!"
"I don't know maybe you're into that shit! Stop playing and tell me!"
"You're absolutely gone crazy!" I say and try to walk away. He grabs my wrist and pulls me back where I was standing.
"Yes I am crazy! For you, damn it! So please do me a favor and tell me the goddam truth!"
Tom takes a few steps towards me, with every step he takes I take one backwards. Until my hips hit the counter, but Tom still walks towards me, until our faces are inches apart.
"Answer my question, Lilith." He says with a more gentle tone. Even though he's still visibly angry.
"I didn't. I slammed the door in his face." I say and look down. "I would never do that, to you." I mumble.

He lays his finger under my chin, making me look up to him. The anger turned into regret. "I'm- God I should never listened to him.. I'm sorry." „I guess it's fine.." I say, grab a water bottle and walk upstairs. Tom again following me.
"I am really sorry, Lilith." He says while we're walking in my room. "It's fine."
„Are you sure?" "Yes, Tom. It's fine."

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