30 "You don't remember?"

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Lilith's point of view
The second I opened my eyes, I tried to sit myself up but I couldn't.

There is a strong arm around me.

I looked around, I tried to remember what happened last night.


I don't know where I am, who's arm that is or what happened last night.

I look around the bedroom.

Huge closet, many many shoes and... bandannas?

Then it hit me.

I'm in Tom Kaulitz's bed.


I push his arm off of me and sit up.

"Where's my stuff?" I mumble and get up. I spot my purse on the floor.

My phone isn't there. Did I lose it yesterday?

"Good morning my lady. I told you you'll survive." Tom says with a raspy morning voice.


I turn around to find a sleepy Tom, rubbing his eyes. "What?"

"You don't remember?"

"Nothing... Why am I here, what is around my head, why did you cuddle me. Dude I have so many questions."

"Come on, let's go downstairs I'll explain everything to you." He says getting up.

He pulls out one of the chairs in front of the kitchen island. "Thanks." I mumble and sit down. "No problem."

He walks over to a machine and puts a cup under it. "Do you want something to drink?"

I nod.

"Coffee?" He asks. "I don't drink coffee."

"What?" He laughs. "Tea? I'm not sure if I have some though."

"It's okay, water is completely fine, Tom."

"Oka- Tom? You said my name!"

"Don't get used to it."

"Oh man."

He puts down a glass of water in front of me. "Anything else you need?"

"Can I have something against my head ache?"

He nods and leave the kitchen.

I still wonder what happened last night.

Tom comes back and hands me a small pill.
I down it and look at him.

"Your nose is pretty, you know that?" I smile.

"Thanks." He just smiles and shakes his head. Tom starts making some food.

"So what happened yesterday?"

"Basically, Ryan drugged you and tried to kill you. That's why you're head hurts."


"He slammed your head multiple times against a tree. But Logan heard you scream and got him off of you."

"I knew it. Of course it's Ryan."

"Weren't you two close?"

"Yeah... Since I've met you we weren't anymore."

He looks down at the food he's cooking in a pan.

"Don't look away like that, it's not your fault, Kaulitz."

In that moment he spills something on his shirt.

"Shit!" He says and takes off his shirt.

He walks over to the sink and tries to wash it away.

His body has such a female structure, but it's still so muscular.

"Do you need help?" I ask laughing my ass of.

"No, and stop laughing."

"Okay, if you change your mind. I'll help you."

He lays the soaking wet shirt over one of the other chairs.

"No other shirt?" I ask him jokingly.

"I can put one on if you want."

I shake my head and smile.

Is this how love is supposed to feel like?

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