36 "If you want me to come."

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Tom's point of view
Here we are again. She's performing and I'm watching her closely. 

The song they're performing is beautiful.

"I would die for you, my love. My love." Her voice is angelic. She turns around and looks at me. "I would lie for you, my love. My love."

"I would steal for you, my love. My love. And I would die for you, my love. My love, we'll burn up in the light."

She leans herself back a bit while she's playing guitar.

Just like I do...

"You make me wanna die." She leas her head back and rests it in her neck while she sings the last line.

I've never heard a crowd cheer this loud, and it's not even that big.

I'm happy for them.

"Thank you so much!" She appreatiates completley out of beath.

I was just listening to them performing for the rest of the performance.

"Sadly," Lilith starts, "this was our last song. But I'm pretty sure the DJ will make music you can listen too. Even if it's not as good as ours."

She blows a kiss to the crowd. All three of them wave goodbye and walk off stage.

Then I felt a strong hand grab my arm.

Not again.

"Mr. Kaulitz?"


"Come with me please."

Where are we going? Why me?

He brought me backstage. When Lilith saw me, she just burst out laughing.

"Who scared you?" Sam asks and starts laughing too.

The man let's go off my arm and also starts laughing.

"This was your idea, wasn't it?" I ask Lilith and slightly shake my head. "Maybe." She bites down on her lip and shrugs.

"I'll go find Logan." Sam squeals and runs off.

We're alone now.

"Anyways, you're coming to the party, right?" She asks me. "What party?"

"No special party. Just a halloween party."

"It's not even halloween."

"Tomorrow is halloween."

"I don't think I belong in this kind of party."

"Come on! Be a little fun, Kaulitz!"

"If you want me to come, I'll be there."

"Great, because you don't have time to change."


She grabs my hand and pulls me with her outside. The cold air is refreshing after a good two hours in a crowded club.

"Where are we going?" I ask Lilith as we walked over to a car.

"To the party? But we taking Logan's car."

"What kind of car is this?" Some girl behind us asked.

"A Mitsubishi eclipse, 1995." Logan says proudly.

"That's hot."

"Fuck off." Lilith and Sam snap, simultaneous.

The girl huffs and walks off.

"Get in Kaulitz!" Lilith yells from the backseat. I shake my head jokingly and get in the backseat.

Sam gets in and rolls down the window in the front.

"Let's go boys!" Sam yells and her and Lilith cheer.

This is gonne be a long night.

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