32 "Because she's in love."

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Lilith's point of view
When I got ready for the day, I suddenly realized something.

"Sam!" I yell in the bathroom. Sam came running in, "what happened?!"

"We have a concert today!"

Her face dropped, "what?!"

I nod and push her out. We both go downstairs and I take a look at the calendar in the kitchen.

Gig at the Moonlight lounge

"There!" I point to it and Sam holds her hands to her face. "Fuck!" She yells.

"What's going on?" Logan asks sleepy.

"We have a gig! TODAY!" Sam yells.

Logan's face, also, drops. "We have what?!"

"We don't even have a guitarist!" "What are we gonna do?"

"I'm gotta have to play..."

"YES! I totally forgot! Lilith can play the guitar!"

"It's like a stone falling of my heart."

"I gotta look for my guitar.." I mumble and walk back upstairs into the bathroom.  While I'm doing so, I grab my phone from my bedside table.

In the bathroom I start to brush my teeth and sit on the bathtub edge.

Tom: I'm glad you got home safe.

From yesterday, and a few more from today.

Tom: Are you free today?

Tom: I already miss you

Tom: sorry if im annoying you

He's really clingy. I've noticed that a few times already.

You: I'm sorry, I completely forgot we have a gig tonight

You: maybe you can come and watch us

You: if you want to

He did answer straight away.

Tom: no it's okay

Tom: I'd love to come see you

Tom: where are you performing?

You: Midnight Lounge 8pm I'll tell them your one of us so you don't have to pay

Tom: alright, thanks I'll be there

Great, "Lilith!"


„I think your guitar is in the garage." Logan says from outside the bathroom door. „Thanks Lo! I'll look later."

„No problem Lil."

Time passes and I made food for us. „Since when do you look so happy?" Logan asks while we're at the dinner table.
Sam giggles. "Because she's in love." She says dragging the o from love. "What?"

"I thought she doesn't do love."

"I don't."

"Then why did you spent a whole day with Tom Kaulitz?"

"You did?"

"Yes? So what?"

I'm so sick of this. "I don't know. Just weird, that he's coming to the concert." Sam smiles.

"He is?" "For free." Sam adds.

"Woah, Lilith-"

I push myself away from the table and stood up. "Where are you going?"

"Getting my guitar."

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