73 "Woah.."

503 24 10

Tom's point of view
After I was done with the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked back to my bedroom. Lilith looked at me with big eyes as she saw me.
"What?" I ask and grab clothes. "Nothing."
I chuckle and walk back to the bathroom to get dressed.

"You know what that does to me, right?" Lilith asks when I came back. "What?"
"You, in a towel." "Oh." I start laughing and lay down next to her.

"So.. What do we do now?" She asks. "I don't know.. Maybe we cou-" I was interrupted by my phone ringing.
"Sorry." I mumble and answer the call.

"Tom! Thank God." Bill says. "Guess what?"
"Georg and Gustav just arrived here!"
"Wait- What? They did?"
"Yes! And I told them about your little girlfriend situation or what ever that is."
"Why would you do that?! God Bill! Wir sind nicht zusammen!"

"You're not? Oh.. Well better ask her."
"Why should I?"
"I know you love her idiot."
"Of course i do, but why should I do that now?"
"Just do it."
"What's with the others anyway? I mean shouldn't I go meet them?"
"Yes, yes, Tom we'll do it tomorrow."
"Alright, see you."
"Bye, i love you."
"Yeah, love you too."

"What's wrong?" She asks. „Nothing.. Don't worry."
She looks at me confused. I know she's not believing it, but what am I supposed to say?
'Yeah my brother wants me to ask you to be my girlfriend?' Yeah I don't think so..

"You sure?" She asks once again. "Yeah, everything's fine."

I throw my phone on my bed and pull her up. "Tom!" She sighs. "Get dressed, we're going out." I say. "Where?" "It's a surprise."
"I have nothing that's fancy alright, don't be too hopeful." She says and carefully pushes me out.

I chuckle and walk downstairs. Gustav and Georg always stay with Bill, he has enough guest rooms. Bill probably doesn't like Lilith, but he'll have to.
While I was waiting for Lilith to get ready, I wrapped a bandana around my forehead and grabbed a leather jacket.

Then she walked downstairs.

"Woah.." I mumble.

She is indeed not wearing anything fancy, but damn does she look beautiful.
"Ready?" I ask as she walks towards me. "Yeah, if you tell me where we're going."

"I'll tell you in the car, I promise." I chuckle and we walk outside to my car.

Guys I'm spending way to much time on character ai. I did not continue writing😭

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