27 "Knock out drops."

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Lilith's point of view
I was flirting with the barkeeper for twenty minutes now. Just wanted to get free drinks.
And I got enough.

I grabbed my cup and turned around. Tom is still talking with those shit heads. I was so mad at this boy. And I don't get why Tom put his hand on my thigh.

"Lilith! My girl." I turn to my left and see Ryan. Why? I'm so sick of men!

"What do you want?" I ask him annoyed.

"What I can't talk to the woman I love?"

"What do you want to talk about? I'm kinda sick of this."

"Lilith I'm really sorry. I can't live without you."

"You're gonna have to."

"No, don't say that." He starts to tear up. "Do not say that."

We talked for a while. It was actually like old times. I kind of miss this Ryan.

"Why don't you stay here, and I'll get us more drinks." Ryan suggests. I nod and lean against the nearest tree.

He came back after good ten minutes. "Let's get more into the woods."

He says and takes my hand after handing me the cup. I took a few sips and walk with him.

"Why do you want to get into the woods so much? You wanna kill me?" I ask jokingly.

He just looks at me, no emotion I'm his face.

I started to feel dizzy. The more and more I got more dizzy the more worried I get.

"Ryan I don't feel so good..." I say quietly.

A pleased smirk appears on his face. "I know."


"You don't think I'd actually be sorry? You didn't think that you could hang out with a other guy! He's just as me! A guitarist, a guy you made your bitch! But I'm better than him."

"You're not. You're hurting me and he's not."

My eyes hurt so much. I feel like my legs are sore.

"What did you put in my drink?"

I can't breathe. What's going on?

"Knock out drops. I knew you're used to them. So I put basically half the bottle into your drink."

"That's gonna kill me Ryan!" I try to scream, I want to yell at him.

"That's my plan."



"If I can't have you... No one can!"

"Why?!" I screamed, hopefully loud enough for anyone to hear.

Ryan slams my head against a tree.

It didn't knock me out. But I could feel something warm running down my neck.

"FUCK!" Ryan yells and slams my head again and again and again against the tree.

Until everything went black.

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