20 "So what?"

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Lilith's point of view
My eyes flew open. I look around to see that I'm in my room. At my house.

With all my strength I lean over to grab my phone. Which hurt more than I expected.
I dial Tom's number and put the call on speaker.
"Lilith? You're awake?"

"No, I'm calling you from the dead. Of course I'm awake." I sigh.

„How long are you awake?"

„One minute or something."

"I'll be there in five minutes."

"Don't you live in the hills?"

He chuckles, "Yeah, why?"

"That's a twenty minute drive! You won't be here in five minutes." I laugh.

"Yeah? Try me." He hangs up.

Slowly I get up and walk down in the living room.

Sam, Logan and Ryan are sitting on the couch and watching tv. On the coffee table are multiple beer bottles.

"Drinking without me, are we?" I joke while leaning against the door frame.
„Lilith!" Sam yells and jumps off of the couch. She wraps her arms around me. "That hurts Sam."

"Sorry! What are you doing out of bed?" She says and supports me with her arm around me and walks me back upstairs to my bed.
„Did you call Kaulitz yet?" she smiles. „Yeah, he said he'll be here in five minutes."

„Doesn't he live in the hills?"


In that moment there's distant talking downstairs. When the talking turned into yelling, Sam went downstairs.

"Leave him alone! For fucks sake!" Sam yells.

A few minutes later, Sam appears in the hallway with a huge smile on her face.

"What?" I ask her confused. She steps aside and makes space for someone.

There he is. Kaulitz in front of my room.

"I'll leave you two alone."

"Sup stalker boy." I smile and bite on my lower lip.
"Hey." He says softly.

"You know you can actually come into my room, right?"

Slowly he walks into my room and sits down on the edge of my bed. "How..." He whispers.
"How what?"

"How did you survive? I mean you lost so much blood."

"Well... The bullet didn't go through all the way and while you were gone I pressed my hand on it. That might've helped."

"I have no idea how you survived to this day, but I think someone with medical knowledge should take a look at it."

"I couldn't pay it anyway. Even if I wanted to."

"How comes none of you can pay a hospital bill? Aren't you like Rockstars or something?"

"We drive expensive cars, Kaulitz. Mine alone is probably the most expensive. The cars, the tuning, parts that need to be fixed."

"Why are you driving cars like this then? I mean any other car would do the same, wouldn't it?"

"I think I don't need your advice."

"I'm sorry. I just don't want you to die because of some stupid things."

"Caring for me already? You need to stop."

"What why?"

I sit myself up and look him in the eyes.

"You don't belong in this world, Kaulitz. Someone like me and someone like you doesn't work. In any way. If you keep coming here, you're gonna get hurt."

"So what?"

"I'm serious! You can't keep coming here or the race tracks! I don't need another high life I have to take care of."

"You don't have to, Lilith."

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