35 "You make me wanna die."

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Btw the lyrics of the second songI used in this chapter are from the song I linked<3

Lilith's point of view
I'm the last to walk on stage. The crowd cheers, although the lights are still out.

The first song to play is already playing in my in ear.

The lights turn on.

My eyes take a few seconds to get used to the sudden brightness. I could hear cheering, whistles and some even yelled something to me.

Logan and Sam start playing.

"In case you haven't noticed, we're missing a guitarists. And he won't come back. Ever. So I'll have to do the job." Was all I said before I started playing.

"What can't you do?" I heard from someone in the first rows.

Our songs are more rock than I thought they would be, but it's so fun to perform.

"Never though I'd come this far." I start to sing.
"Always go straight to the bar."

I really hate this song, especially now because Ryan wrote it. But it's just not a lyrical masterpiece for me than every other song ever written. He used childish rhymes.
But... The people like it, so we perform it.

I'm really excited for the second song, because we never released it. It's about me and I guess my love?

I wrote it with Sam when we were 15. So I guess that's the reason why we never released it.

"Thank you!" I say out of breath.

"The next song, is really important to me."

"But, we never released it because it was written when Sam and I were 15."

The music starts playing. Logan starts drumming and Sam and I start playing to.

"Take me I'm alive. Never was a girl with a wicked mind but everything looks better... When the sun goes down."

The lights go from blue to a purple and than to a reddish pink.

"I had everything opportunities for eternity"

I did, I had everything a child could've asked for. Then my mom died and my father went in jail. Everything changed after that.

"Your eyes, your eyes. I can see it in your eyes."

"You make me wanna die."

I can't believe people are actually liking this. But I'm glad they do.

"I'll never be good enough. You
Make me wanna die. And everything you love, will burn up in the light."

"And every time I look inside your eyes."

The instruments get quiet.

"You make me wanna die."

And we start playing again.

The lights always switch between purple and this reddish pink.

The crowd is cheering and I could see them dancing around.

This is why I perform.

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