18 "It's Lilith."

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Tom's point of view
It's nearly three in the morning when my phone rang.

Who calls at this hour.

"Hey stalker boy."
"How comes you call?"

"Logan gave me the note."
"You've read it?"
"So.. You want to get to know me, huh?"

"Let's meet at the racing track, alright?"
"Alright, see you there."

Immediately I walk outside and got in my car.
The racing tracks aren't far away from my house. Maybe a ten minute drive.

I noticed her Nissan standing there already. I park my Mercedes next to her car and get out.

As I walk along the path, I felt like being watched.
"Hey Stalker boy."


"You scared me."

"I know."

She walks up to me. Her scars are showing since she's barley wearing anything.
Short skirt, cropped top... A little to much skin showing, if you ask me.

„Why did you want to meet at the tracks?" she asks as we walk a bit. „I don't know."

„But since we're already here.. Can we race?"

"Against each other or in one car?" She smiles. "I don't think my car is made for racing."

She lifts her eyebrows and smiles. "Alright stalker boy, let's go."

She walks over to her car. As she unlocks the passenger's side her eyes shot up and she looks around. „Everything okay?" I ask her worriedly. "Get in the car." She says firmly and opens the door. Before she closes it, she hands me the keys.

"If anything happens, drive."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm dead serious Kaulitz. If anything happens drive."


"My house."

I nod as she slams the door shut.

Carefully she walks around. I wonder what she heard.
Then I saw it in the rear-view mirror.

A tall guys with a gun walks up to her. They talk. But I can't hear a thing.

"If anything happens, drive"

Slowly I shift myself over to the driver's seat and put the key in the ignition.

When the guy raises the gun my heart drops.

Why does she always have a gun pointed at her?

A few silent seconds pass. I carefully look what the guy is doing. The finger that's on the trigger moves. Too much for my liking.

A loud bang resounds through the night. Lilith stumbles back and falls to the ground.

"I'm dead serious Kaulitz. If anything happens drive"

I turn the key and start the engine. The guy turns around and starts to walk up to the car.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I wiggle the gear lever and drive away.

She just wants me to let her lay there?

When I arrived at her house I immediately knocked at the door.

"The fuck do you want?" Ryan asks.

"It's Lilith."

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