78 "To end this. For good."

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Lilith's point of view
After spending the whole morning and noon with Tom. Actually a whole week. I wanted to see Sam and Logan again. So, Tom drove me to my house. "I missed them" I say as we get out of Tom's Mercedes. "I believe that." He answers. We walk down the path to the front door and when I wanted to knock, I noticed the door was only leaned on. I opened the door slowly. The suspicion growing. "Be careful." Tom whispers while we enter.

"Sam? Logan?" I call out. No answer. In the kitchen I look out the window to check if their cars are parked. Which they are. Even mine is parked.
"I don't have a good feeling about this.." I say and walk upstairs. Tom close behind me. As Tom and I walked down the hallway, we both heard a moan. "I think I know where they are." I say and start laughing, but try to be quiet. Tom also laughs.
I raise my hands and walk towards Logan's bedroom door. "Lilith don't." Tom says while he laughs, knowing what I want to do. I hit the door with my hands multiple times.
When the door opened, I saw Logan with shock on his face. Which left when he saw me. "Goddamn Lilith." He says and sighs relieved. "It's Lilith?" Sam asks and walks up behind Logan. "Long time no see, hm.." I say and smile as Sam practically jumped me. We hug for a good minute and I repeat that with Logan too.

"I'm glad you're still alive." Logan says while we sit down in the living room. "Me too.." Sam says. "Well, yesterday Byron showed up at Tom's house.. That's actually why I'm here."
All of them looked at me confused. I have a plan to end it all. But I didn't tell Tom.
"You have a plan? For what?" Logan asks. He's always been a fan of my plans.
"To end this. For good." I answer Logan. "With Byron?" "Exactly. We're ending him tonight." I say with a devilish smile.
"You want to kill him?" Tom asks, slightly in shock. Logan chuckles, "That plan sounds like a fairytale."
"All I need from you is a gun and you need to lure him somewhere.. the bridge would be great." I explain to Sam and Logan. "Let's see what we can do."
"It's getting dark already anyway. It would be a good time to do it now."

Mark my words 80 Chapters+ Epilogue!
We're finishing this tonight!🫶🏼 I uploaded a TikTok for the end already!!

@xplr..kaulitz. -TikTok

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