28 "I'll handle it."

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Logan's point of view
"Did you hear that?" I ask my friend. "The scream? Yeah."

The second I saw Sam running towards the woods, my heart started to beat faster.

What happened...


"What? Logan what's wrong?"


Ryan... Its Ryan!

"Logan? Logan!" Sam cries out for me. "Sam? What's wrong?" I jump up from my seat and run towards her. "It's Ryan! He's trying to kill her". She sobs. "What?"

"Her head is bleeding!" She cries into my shirt. "You stay here babygirl. I'll handle it." I say softly and stroke her head.

I run into the woods and find Ryan. Bending over Lilith.

"Ryan!" I yell and tackle him down. "What's wrong with you?"

"Let me kill her." He grunts.

I punch him straight in the face. "What's wrong with you! She mad stop who you are!"

"She fucking cheated!"

"You were never together!"

I hold him down on his shoulder. "You're not my Ryan anymore! You're a bitch!"

I could hear sirens.

Who called the police?

When I saw the red and blue lights, I held Ryan even more down.
"You're not gonna let me get arrested!" Ryan says with a short breath.
"Of course I am. You tried to kill my best friend."

But the sirens passed and got more silent.

"No, no, no..." I mumble.

"Told you." Ryan smiles pleased.

I've had enough. I punch him again and again. More and more.

His face was covered in his blood. My hands, my shirt and my own face too.

I didn't stop punching him, until someone pulled me off of him.


"Yes. It's me."

"Where's Lilith?"

"Tom took her to the shed."




Tom's point of view
Her head is bleeding. Oh my god.

While I'm walking to the shed, where Sam said is first aid, her head rests on my shirt. Drenching it in blood.

I kick the door open and gently put her on the daybed. I ripped the first aid kit off of the wall and open it.

The first aid kit is basically empty.

Nothing useful inside.

I take my bandana off of my head and put it around her head. In hopes it'll help until I'm home.

I lift her up and walk to my car. "Tom! Where you going?" Sam yells.

"There's nothing in the first aid. I'll take care of her. I promise you."

Sam nods and walks away. Looking back a few times.

I gently put her on the passenger's seat and run around the car.

Hopefully it's not to late.

Guysssss off topic but I turned 16 todayy ahhhh🫶

Thanks for all the support on this story by the way 🫶 I'm thankful for everything you do 🫶❤️‍🩹

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