7 "L.A Cartel"

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Lilith's point of view
The next morning, my friends and I got ready for a small concert.
"Looking hot, momma." Ryan compliments me as he walks past me. "I know." I smile.

"Who's driving?" Sam asks, already standing in the doorway. "All of us?" Ryan answers ironically and we walk outside. Logan already in his car.
"He's so weird sometimes."

I walk to my car and notice something in the left tire. The car doors of Ryan and Sam slamming behind me. I bend down and see a pocket knife in my tire.

"Fuck!" I scream and punch the tire. "You alright?"
"Someone cut my tire!"

Sam waves me over to her car. I take out the knife of the tire and put it in my boot. Sam opens the passenger's door of her white Dodge Challenger.

"Who would hit a knife in your tire? I mean.."

"I have an idea..."

„No, no, no you don't think this white dude with the braids from yesterday did it?"

I laugh at her concern. Not for me, for him.
Anyone who wrecks my car is a dead man. My car is holy to me.

„No, who else in this town hates us?"

„L.A Cartel." Sam answers me and holds both of her hands tightly on the steering wheel.
„I hate these dudes. They're douchebags."

„Who isn't a douchebag?"

We arrive at the club we're playing tonight. "Winning three awards but playing in a small ass club." Ryan complains. "Suck it up, buttercup." I smile and we walk in, through the back door.

We were welcomed and went backstage to find our instruments already waiting for us.
The lights on the stage are off, meaning none of us has any clue where we are supposed to be.

„Guys, how are we supposed to do this?" Logan asks quietly. „I don't know man." Sam answers him.

„Let's wait until they turn the lights on." Ryan suggests. I take my, bedazzled, microphone out of the stand and walk off stage with them.

Tom's point of view
„Why are you making me come here?" I complain while Bill and I are are going into a club.
„Because.. I've seen the way you look at her." he answers me. "Her?"
"You know.. The female racer."

Are you serious?

"How exactly did I look at her?" As I speak the lights on the stage turn on. "Like you're in love with her. Never seen that look on your face."

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