56 "Tom?"

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Lilith's point of view
I'm crying. Again.

I never wanted to cry in front of him again.
But here I am.

"Everything will make sense."

It's not helping.

I could never live here happily with Tom, because of Sam and Logan. Even if I'd want to.

"I'll never be happy with the thought of Sam and Logan being in another part of the city without me knowing how they've being."

"They're not out of the world. Just you not living there anymore doesn't mean you can't visit them."

He rubs my back, but says nothing anymore. Neither do I.
We just lay there. For I don't know how long. It could be minutes or hours.

All I know is that I fell asleep, and woke up with Tom on the phone, arguing with someone.


No response.

He's pacing back and forth in the bedroom, his phone close to his ear.

"Das kannst du nicht bringen, Bill!"

Bill? His brother?

What are they talking about?

"Ich liebe sie, Bill..."

His voice broke.

What did he say?

"Tom?" I try, with response this time. He says something to his brother and takes his phone away from his ear.

"Sorry, I had to talk to my brother about something."

"You don't have to apologize, Tom. It's alright." I say and rub my eyes. "Breakfast?" He asks.

"I never eat breakfast. But I told you that already."

He nods.

Just now I noticed he put his braids in a little ponytail. Before I could ask, I started laughing.

"What?" He asks confused and I point to his head. Tom rolls his eyes and takes the hairs tie out.
When I calmed down, he threw the hair tie at me. "It was yours anyway." He adds.

"Why did you use mine?" I ask and start laughing again.

"As if I own hair ties."

"I know you do, Kaulitz."

He raises his eyebrows and turns to his closet. "I heard there's a race today." Tom starts, before he could finish his sentence, it hit me again.

My car... My god damn car.. "Did you forget, someone crashed my car?" I say with no emotion in my voice.

He freezes in his spot.

Everyone knows how holy my skyline is to me.
It's one of the only things I truly care about.
Besides, it's to expensive to not be holy.

"Logan said he'll get it fixed." Tom assured me and continues to change.

"I wanted to go back anyway today."

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