22 "You scared me."

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Lilith's point of view
After Tom left, Ryan left too.

I spent the whole night hoping Ryan doesn't find him. Not that I genuinely care for him, but I don't need a whole police operation in my house because of Ryan.
Which wouldn't be the first time.

"You think Ryan got him?" Sam asks anxiously.

"Why do you care anyway?"

"Because you like him? And I don't need another high lifer getting hurt." She answers.

"Well, you gotta rest. I'll go to my room and probably go to sleep." Sam sighs and leaves the room.
"Night Sammy." I say softly, even though she's already out the room.

Maybe I should call him... No, he think I'll care.

But I do care, don't I?

What is this? It's so confusing.

From my bedside table I grab my phone and dial his number.


The second time, he didn't answer either.

Third time is the charm.

Someone picks up. I just hear heavy breathing.
"Kaulitz? You okay?"
No answer.
"Tom? I'm serious."

"You said my name, again." He says softly. "You bastard. You scared me."
"That was my plan."

I smile and shift around in the bed. "Why did you call anyway? I thought you don't care."
"I care. Not much though."

He laughs.
Oh god... His laugh is so-
No what the fuck?
"So Ryan didn't follow you, did he?"

"No, I don't think he did."

"Good, no need for more police in my house."

"It's late anyways. Why are you still up?" He asks and chuckles. "I've been worrying. That's why." I answer him. "Not worrying about you." I add.
Even though that was a lie.

I did worry about him.

If he gets hurt, because of me, I would never forgive myself.

"But I meant what I said earlier, Kaulitz. You really shouldn't come here anymore. It's to dangerous and I mean it."

"Then we'll meet somewhere safe."

"I want to see you." He adds. "Everyday."

"You sound like a middle schooler." I laugh.

"Fuck you." He says jokingly. "I mean.."
"Not in that way."


"Seriously, I don't think you should come back here."

"You've said it four thousand times now. I get it."

"I have eyes everywhere Kaulitz. I'll know if you're here."

"That's scary."

"Maybe." I say and yawn. "Someone's tired." He laughs. "Yeah it's three am."

"Then go to bed. I'm not forcing you to talk with me."

"If you're saying it like that I feel bad if I hang up."

"You? Feeling bad?"

"Yes! I have feelings too!"


"Fuck off. Good night." I say and hang up.

I'm feeling some kind of euphoria as I put my phone away.

What on earth is that?

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