24 „Cheers!"

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Lilith's point of view
We arrived at the tracks at midnight. It was full of people.

People I've never seen my entire life.

The second we got out of the car, people already called Logan over. "How is he so popular?" Sam sighs and laughs. "I don't know, but let's get something to drink." I say.

"I won't survive this sober." I mumble as we walk to the shed, where the drinks usually are handed out.

"Hello Ladies," the "barkeeper" greets us, "what can I do for two lovely women like you?"

"Two tequilas and two beers please." Sam orders. "Tequila?" I ask Sam as I take the small shot glass and the cup of beer. "You said it yourself, you won't survive this sober. And tequila is a good start."

"With lemons and salt it's would be a good start."

"Well, you know them." She says slightly knocking her shot glass against mine.


I down the shot and notice Sam wrapping her face. "How do you do it?" She asks jokingly and puts the empty glass on the counter in front of the shed. "Tequila runs through my veins." I joke and put my glass down too.
"I gathered that." She smiles.

We walk through the hundreds of people with our cups and simply talk.

"You think Tom will show up?" Sam asks while we walk down the racing track. "Kaulitz is my last worry right now Sam."

"I don't believe that."

"What do you mean?" 

"You like him, Lilith. And that's what you worry about."

"I don't. I'm worrying about Ryan. I can't stand him right now."

"Me neither. I'm scared he'll hurt you or Logan. Or anyone at this point."

"Yeah, but I don't think he'll hurt any of us. We're all he's got left."

"That's true. But I don't think he'll show up. Or at least I hope so."

I nod and we continue to walk in silence.

We walk and walk in complete silence, we're only hearing the loud music . When we walk over the finish line, some people looked scared at us. "What's going on?" Sam asks. "I don't know... Let's see if we find Logan."

Sam and I walked around a bit until we found him. Sitting around a campfire with about six or seven guys around him.

"Hello Momma." Simone says as I walk over to them. I give him a disgusted look and rest my arms on Logan's shoulder.

"Yes Mylady?" He asks jokingly. "That's your girl Logan?" Someone asks.
"Nah." He answers. "Why is everyone looking so scared?" I ask Logan. He shrugs. "I think it's because Ryan's here."


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