《Chapter 1》

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The sound of my alarm woke me up. It blasted in my ear. It was so loud I shot up, breathing deeply. When I realised I was in my room, I started to calm down. 'It was just a bad dream...' I thought to myself. Anyway, better introduce myself. My name's Harry Horrendous Haddock III but most of my family call me Harry or Hiccup for short. I don't mind either but I prefer Harry. I don't know I just think it suits me better. I'm 15 years old and still currently at high school. I'm actually supposed to be starting my first day of my last year today. I lay in bed for a few minutes before deciding to get up. I slumped towards the bathroom, getting ready to wash my face and brush my teeth.

Just finished in the bathroom, now I'm deciding what to wear for school. It's a good one too because at least we don't have to wear school uniform. 'Oh what the hell...' I thought. I just grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, my Nike trainers, and a white top while I shoved a black and red checked top over it. I didn't bother with the buttons. I quickly grabbed my school bag and ran down the stairs, exiting the house. I never bother with breakfast anymore, plus we don't really have any food in the house. By 'we' I mean my dad and I. He's the one that always buys the food but I haven't seen him in months.

I last saw him in October but now it's February. He said he was going on a business trip but never came back. I mean, yeah I miss him but we hardly ever talked so I'm not really worried. Well I better get going to school now, gotta get the bus.

I'm now at school, sitting in the lunch area, waiting for my best friend Fishlegs. He was like me, an outcast. We had nobody except each other and that was how we liked it. I was just on my phone when I saw her walk pass. Out of the corner of my eye I watched her sit down, two tables away from me. I could smell her scent from here. She smelt like...lavender? Huh, that really suits her actually. I smiled a small smirk before I returned to my notebook, writing down random things. I then heard a chair scrape after a few minutes. I looked up to see Fishlegs. "Hey Harry," he greeted while sitting down. I nodded in reply. "So, what lessons you got today?" he asked. I just shrugged. I was unusually quiet today...wonder why.

The bell just went. Well, off to class. "Hey, Flynn?" Yeah, Fishlegs' real name was Flynn but he didn't like it. He always groans when I mention it.

"Yes, Hiccup?" he said, smirking. I only sent him a playful glare.

"What lesson you got first?" I asked. I realised I left my timetable at home. He quickly got out a piece of paper, scanning it swiftly.

"Uh, I got French," he replied looking up to face me. I raised my eyebrows. "You got...hmm. Oh I know! You got...maths where Snotlout and...the twins...are..." he finished slowly. Oh great, Snotlout of all people. I groaned.

"Well, wish me luck!" I fist-bumped with him and went to my class. Okay, two hours of torture before lunch. Here I go...


It was now lunch! Yes! I quickly ran into the bays where all the lunch tables were. I was on my way to mine and Flynn's table before I bumped into someone. "HEY! Watch where you're going!" I looked up to see no other than...Snotlout.

'Ah crap...' I thought.

"Oh, it's you...Harry..." he sneered at me.

I just sent him a glare. "What do you want, Snotlout?" Wait woah, hold up. Why am I so confident?! I never usually am! Especially when it comes to Snotlout! He looked surprised as I was, although I wasn't exactly showing it.

"Did you just talk back to me?" he growled, glaring daggers at me. I nodded, smirking.

'What the hell am I doing?!'

"You're going to pay for that..." He got ready in a fighting stance. I just shrugged, copying him. He flung his fist at me but everything went in slow motion. I then sensed to move to avoid the punch. When everything was at normal time speed again, a little crowd had gathered.

Snotlout then began throwing a number of punches at me but I avoided all of them easily. Once he was done, he was sweating and breathing heavily. I was surprised; I hadn't even broken one sweat.

I stared at Snotlout for a little longer before turning around, heading to go. But then I sensed something. Something was about to hit me. I turned round and punched the object as hard as I could.

Turns out it was a lunch tray with Snotlout holding it. But the force managed to push Snotlout away, a few metres actually. He looked up at the tray which was...snapped in half?! I stared with wide eyes.

'Did I do that?!'

The whole crowd had watched Snotlout slide away. They all turned towards me slowly, with wide eyes, some jaws dropped. Knowing I might get attention, I quickly ran out and towards a special hiding place that me and Fishlegs had found. I decided to stay there for a while. I text Fishlegs to tell him where I was, but I told him not to come.


It was now the end of the day and I and Fishlegs were walking home. It was lucky that we lived a few houses away from each other. I was relieved that Fishlegs hadn't found out what I did at lunch. I was snapped out my thoughts when my friend kept repeating my name. "Harry! I'm going! See you later! Black ops tonight?" Yes I was a videogame geek, don't judge.

"Black ops tonight," I repeated. I waved him off while I begain my small walk to my own house. I got there within a few minutes. As I entered my home, one thought interrupted my head.

'How did I do that?!'

The punch I did today...surprised me....

Hey guys! New book! This is the first chapter! Hope you like it! I loved writing it so yeah, thanks guys! Till next time...

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