《Chapter 32》

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After a long and tiring week of school, it was finally the weekend. Me and Astrid were just chilling at my house, on my computer. She sat in between my legs while checking her Facebook.

"Go to your notifications a sec."

"Uh, why?"

"Just do it!" I told her.

Astrid huffed. "Okay...jeez, calm down." she mumbled. She clicked on her notifications. What we saw made our eyes widen.

Rachel and Tony - A.K.A Ruffnut and Tuffnut - had both sent her a friend's request.

I looked down at Astrid. No expression was on her face. She was just staring at the screen.



"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she sighed, turning my monitor off and getting up. I spun in my chair to watch her walk out of my room.

After a few minutes, I decided to follow her.

I found her slumped on the sofa in the living room. She held her legs to her chest with her chin on her knees.

I walked over and sat beside her, resting my hand on her back.

"Astrid?" She looked up. "Wanna go running?" She smiled, a laugh escaping her lips.

We both got up and shifted. I hadn't been my wolf for a while so I let my instincts take over.

Astrid and I stretched before jumping out a window, running across the grass, towards the forest.

While we were running, I noticed Astrid had sloppy movements. She wasn't running as fast as she possibly could. Plus she wasn't looking where she was going but still managed to avoid incoming objects.

Stop Astrid.

She nodded her head in agreement. As soon as we stopped, she dropped to the ground but I was quick to catch her head with my neck.

Woah...what's wrong with you?

I gently lay her head on the mossy floor. The moonlight cowered over us.
I-I don't know. I just feel, weird.

Good weird or bad weird?

She shrugged, yawning. I lay beside her, my muzzle on her neck.

We just lay their for a couple of hours. Astrid just slept while I patrolled the area.

I nearly fell asleep until my eyes snapped open. I stood and sniffed the area. I began growling quietly, pacing around and crunching the leaves.

The scent was getting closer and closer.

I stopped when I heard a soft bark behind me. I spun and saw a grey and black wolf with brown chocolate eyes.


The wolf nodded. It's me.

I stopped pacing and sat on my hind legs. What are you doing here? I asked, casually scratching my ear.

I don't know. I got bored. He turned his head, watching Astrid.

I started to growl, warning him to back off.

He laughed. Jeez, calm down wolf boy. She's all yours and I respect that.

I turned to look at her myself. She had curled around herself in her sleep and she still looked amazing. Her breaths were calm and slow, her chest moving up and down in rhythm.

Yeah she's really something.

Yeah...and one day, she'll be mine...

Scott would never...wait...that wasn't Scott. That was...

Jay. I growled menacingly. Where are you!

Right behind you...

And he was right. Standing before me was an auburn coloured wolf with gold eyes, just like Flynn's, except these looked evil and cruel whereas Flynn's looked gentle and soft.

SCOTT! GO! GET HELP! He was frozen with shock. NOW!! He quickly sprinted away, while I faced Jay.

We began pacing around in a huge circle, eyeing each other.

What do you want Jay?

You. Then, Astrid.

I just realised, she was still asleep.

I ran over and stood over her protectively.

You gotta go through me first.


I'm so stupid. I left it till the last minute to realise that Jay was as big as me, probably stronger too.

We sprinted towards each other, canines and claws extended.

I attempted to push him to the floor but he beat me to it. He swatted his paws all over the place and left scratches all over my body.

A lot of blood came out from them. My vision went blurry. I couldn't dodge his attacks. Even my animal had passed out.

My body forced me to shift back to human. Jay was cowering above me, he teeth dripping with my blood.

He scraped his paw along my chest, leaving a torn up t-shirt and three long gashes.

Had enough Haddock?

I coughed out the blood. Jay left me and advanced over to Astrid. I tried calling but I was just too weak. Somehow Jay had drained all of my energy out of me.

Jay woke Astrid up by nudging her head and licking her cheek. When she sat up, her back was towards me. I attempted to drag myself with one arm, the over clutching my chest.

I was breathing deeply now. I won't be able to stand it much longer. I had to get Astrid's attention.

When they stood up, Jay kept nudging and licking Astrid. That was it. I exploded with anger.

Surprisingly I found a burst of strength and got to my feet. I summoned an air blast which knocked Jay away a few feet.

I willed the air to wrap around me in a sphere shape, lifting me off the ground and moving above Jay.

I spoke with my voice that were mixed with hundreds of others. "You will never beat me again." I summoned another air blast which again, knocked Jay away but this time, he got up and sprinted away.

The air set me gently on the floor. I gasped as the pain returned to me. It was agonising. It felt like my chest was burning.

"Astrid..." I said weakly. I assumed she had shifted back because she skidded onto her knees, landing beside me.

"Harry!" She gasped. She accidentally touched my chest. I hissed in pain. "Oh gods, sorry. What happened? No that doesn't matter. We need to get you to Stoick and-"

I whined, holding my hand out. Astrid stared at me, smiling sadly as she intertwined our fingers.

"It's going to be okay. You're going to be okay."

I nodded slowly. The last thing I remember was Flynn sprinting towards us before I slipped into unconscious.


Hope you liked it. Haven't got much to say so, till next time...

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