《Chapter 46》

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"So what happened to your mother?" I asked Harry as we walked through the front door of his house. On the way, he explained the relationship between him and his mother when he was younger, until, one day, she left without a reason.

"Him," Harry hissed as he glared sideways at his father.

My eyes stared after Stoick. Surely it couldn't be him. He's a better father than mine could ever be. Unless . . .

"It was his fault? How?"

Harry shook his head. "I'll tell you later." He stormed off, after his father, leaving me in the hallway.

I decided to go up into his room and shut the door. As I looked around, nothing had changed except his computer was missing and there was cardboard where part of his window should be.

"It was your fault!" Someone suddenly shouted. I recognised the voice. It was Harry.

I left Harry's room and ran down the stairs as the shouting continued. I found the two at each other's throats in the kitchen. Harry was shouting indescribable things.

"Because of you, my mother left. The only memory I have of her is playing in the garden. But I can't see her face. I don't even know what she looks like! And it's all because of you!"

I stood frozen in the doorway.

"Son . . . "

"Don't you 'son' me."

I grabbed Harry's hand but he pulled away roughly. "Not now, Astrid," Harry growled.

"Dad, if you were paying attention to my mother and me when I was born, she would still be here. But no. All because of your bloody friends, you never paid attention to EITHER of us!"
So that means, Harry's mum - or mom, however you say it - was left to look after Harry until he was like, 5 then left because Stoick had neglected them.

Stoick was surprisingly keeping calm. But Harry was not . . .

He was breathing heavily, his nostrils flaring, his eyes narrowed with anger, at his father. 

I quickly ran over and jumped onto him - literally. My arms wrapped around his neck, my legs locking around his waist. Harry stumbled back but the wall saved him.

He didn't do anything, except standing there, staring at his father. I squeezed my eyes shut, burying my head into his neck, hoping to calm him down.

"Harry . . . " I whispered, near the edge of crying. I felt him look down at me, but his chest was still heaving up and down.

I waved at Stoick to get him out of the kitchen. He slammed the door behind him.

Harry's head snapped up but I just squeezed him tighter, tears now flowing down my face, dripping onto his shirt.

I looked up at him. He looked down at me. As soon as he saw me, his eyes widened slightly, his breathing slowing down. He didn't care I was still on him. He just wrapped his arms around my body.

"Oh, gods Astrid. I'm so sorry." We placed our foreheads on each other's shoulders. "Please tell me I didn't hurt you. Please."

I shook my head roughly. Harry turned and placed me on the counter, untangling my legs from his waist. "I was just worried . . . "

"Oh, baby, I'm sorry. I hate worrying you. I need to stop worrying you." He pulled away, his hands cupping my cheeks and wiping my tears away.

"Come on." He smiled softly. "Let's go to yours. I don't think I can sleep here tonight."

I nodded. "That's fine. I need to get changed anyway."

Suddenly my phone rang. I answered it.

"Hello? . . . Oh hi Sammy . . . Yeah, I'm at my friends house . . . You want us to meet you where? . . . Okay, we won't be long. Bye." I ended the call, facing Harry.

"Looks like we'll be going to town."

Harry shrugged. "Doesn't bother me."

We got a taxi into town, opposite to where Sammy was working. She told me to meet her in her office. Apparently it was about Jay . . . but I didn't tell Harry that.

I dragged him into an elevator, hitting the number fifteen on the floor buttons. After a couple of minutes, the doors slid open.

As we walked past the front desk, I waved at Sammy's friend, Sophia.

We came to a wooden door that read Sammy, Assistant Manager. I knocked twice.

"Come in," she mumbled. We entered as Sammy looked up. Harry shut the door softly behind him.

"Hi Sammy." I gave her a hug. I gestured at Harry. "This is my friend, Harry. Sammy, Harry. Harry, Sammy."

Harry stepped forward to shake my foster mother's hand. "Nice to finally meet you Miss - " He looked over Sammy's shoulder " - Roberts. " Harry winced as he said the last name.

"Harry, would you mind stepping outside for me please?"

"No problem, Astrid."

As soon as the door shut, Sammy advanced. "Where's Jayden? Last time I heard he was at school."

"How would I know?" I hissed. "I only just found out that Jay's father is my foster father! How come you didn't tell me before? Jay's been trying to hit on me for ages."

"Steve might let him stay."

"If he does, I'm moving out."

I stormed out the office,  slamming the door behind me. Harry followed me until we got outside the building. He took a chance and seized my wrists, pulling me into an alleyway.

"What happened in there?" He exclaimed. "Why are you so angry?" He knew not to piss me off more than I already was.

"It's Sammy. She expects me to know every single little detail about Jay. It's so infuriating!" My hand clenched into a fist.

I spun and punched the brick wall as hard as I could.

"Shit!" I yelled, clutching my hand. I heard bricks crumbling from beside me. "Shit," I mumbled, leaning my shoulder against the wall.

"That's it." Harry came closer, taking my non - injured hand into his. "I'm taking you home."

And that he did.

So annoying. I lost half of this chapter and I had to rewrite it. I'm sorry guys, I have been absent for a while and I really don't mean to.

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