《Chapter 39》

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I woke up to my alarm clock playing music loudly. Astrid groaned next to me, rubbing her face.

I pressed the alarm to shut the annoying music off but it didn't work. I punched it, which also didn't work.

In the end I ripped it from the plug, screamed, "SHUT UP!" and chucked it against my wall. It smashed into pieces and left a dent.

"Harry," Astrid shook her head. "Come on, babe, get up."

Astrid pulled me out with ease, dragging me out of my bedroom door.

"Ok, ok," I said as I stood up. I grabbed Astrid's hand. "I'm up."

We walked down into the kitchen together.

We saw my dad talking to Scott and Flynn in a hushed voice.

I rounded the corner where the living room joins the kitchen, and stopped.

With their back to me, a boy with black hair swept to the side. He was wearing skinny jeans, a shirt and some trainers. He was laughing, holding hands with this girl with blonde hair with blue highlights.

He turned, freezing as he saw me. He smirked a couple seconds later. I realised that the boy and girl . . . were Toothless and Stormfly.

"You." I growled.

"You," Toothless mimicked.

I stepped forward but Astrid pushed me back, gently. I kept looking in between the two.

Astrid. Toothless. Astrid. Toothless.

Astrid grabbed my chin, forcing me to stare into her eyes. My mood changed instantly. I relaxed, the anger still bubbling inside of me. It will be controlled . . . for now.

Toothless called Stoick who came over instantly. "I thought you said that the two - Astrid and him - were not going to be here this morning until a later time."

Stoick rubbed his neck, shrugging. "Well at least they're here now."

"We better get training. Meet us in the fields." Toothless and Stormfly shifted, running out of the house.

I faced my father. "Dad," I moaned. He shrugged innocently, going into the living room and turning the TV on.

Astrid grabbed my hands, pulling me to my room.

We both walked over to the wardrobe.

"Like I said before, I don't like him! He's so stubborn." As I pulled my pyjama top off, I ripped it. "Crap..."

"Now," Astrid said, pulling on a undertop, "who does that remind you of?"

I stared at her. "Y'know, you're not helping." I straightened my white t-shirt out and pulled on some jeans.

"I'm sorry," she said, laughing. "But given time, you might like him." When she was dressed, she grabbed her trainers, walking over to my bed and sitting down. I sat down next to her, pulling some socks on.

She handed me my trainers. "I highly doubt that."

I bumped into her side, which she returned. Astrid placed her head on my shoulder.

"Just do it for me . . . please?"

I sighed. "Ok fine. But only because I love you." She smiled.

I picked her up in my arms, carrying her all the way to the field.

Toothless and Stormfly were laughing at some joke until they noticed us. Toothless whispered something into her ear and Stormfly laughed. He kissed her cheek, walking over to me.

I placed Astrid on the floor. "Stay near." I whispered, kissing her neck. She pulled away smirking, walking a few feet away from me.

"Ok Toothless, what are the lessons?"

"Ok, two things. 1) Call us Tate and Sophie and 2) we're concentrating on your air element."

I nodded, winking over at Astrid.

Tate told us to concentrate on the air currentsaround us. I breathed deeply, in and out, closing my eyes. Astrid did the same.

"Air is the element of freedom." Tate explained. "The key to airbending is flexibility and finding and following the path of least resistance."

"Airbending is notable for being almost purely defensive, as well as the most dynamic of the four bending arts. Airbenders can overwhelm many opponents at once with large and powerful attacks that could prove fatal injuries." Sophie continued.

"For example." Tate shot an air blast at Sophie, who jumped a few metres in the air to avoid it. She landed softly, the air cushioning her fall.

"Today," Sophie began, "you're going to learn how to master an air punch."

Astrid cracked her knuckles. "Oh, this is going to be fun."

I gulped as she turned toward me, an evil smirk on her face. We both got into a fighting position as Tate instructed.

We held our fists in front of our heads, level with our shoulders.

Tate stood in between us. "Now, these small, compressed, formations of air are created by your fists or feet. Take your pick." Tate bent the air around him, air punching the ground, propelling the rest of us into the air.

Everyone landed softly. I had not mastered the air to cushion my fall. I screamed as I fell, face planting the floor.

"Ow . . . " I moaned. I struggled to my feet.

"Your turn." Tate announced, gesturing to me and Astrid.

This was going to be fun . . .

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