《Chapter 26》

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I woke up to see Astrid's nose touching mine. I smiled at her closed eyes. I moved my head so it was resting against the side of her neck.

I pulled her closer to me as she stirred in her sleep. She mumbled something like good morning but I couldn't really hear.

"Morning mi'lady," I whispered. She chucked before burying her own head into my neck. I tightened my hold on her waist. After all, she was my girlfriend.

Astrid groaned in annoyance - about gods knows what - as I stroked her back softly.

"What's wrong? " I asked, with one raised eyebrow.

"We have school," she moaned. Astrid usually liked school but she didn't sound too good. It was like she was...sick.

"Come on, I'll be -" I was cut off from my own coughing fit. When I finally stopped coughing, I sniffed uneasily and wiped my nose.

"Oh great." My voice was hoarse due to a dry throat. "Well, at least we don't have to go to school." I coughed again which hurt my chest a lot. A chest pain? Really?

I just remembered. "Astrid, can I see your wrists?" She held them up in my eyesight.

Below the palm of her hand - left wrist - was a faint outline of the Air symbol. I quickly looked at mine to see an identical symbol burning onto my flesh.

"Dad never told me about getting ill!" I said, frustrated.

"Calm down," Astrid croaked. "I'm sure it's nothing."

I sighed. "Do you need anything?"

Astrid shrugged,"I wouldn't mind some tissues." She sniffed, her nose bright red. "When I was a kid, I always looked forward to get ill. But now..." A sneezing fit had stopped her.
She sneezed about seven times in a row before I ran out and grabbed a box of tissues for her.

"Here." I passed her the box. She mumbled a thanks, giving me a small grin.

I grabbed a long sleeved top. I shoved it over my head and onto my body. I was shaking. Why was it so cold? I stumbled over to my bed and got underneath the warm covers. I gave Astrid some room so there was about a ruler's length of space free between us.

My teeth were chatting like a horse running across a field. Astrid decided to scoot closer and I met her halfway.

As soon as our bodies touched, I felt warm. So warm my eyes started to droop. Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

I woke up to someone jumping up and down on the bed. It was Astrid.

I groaned so loud that our school could probably hear me.

"RISE AND SHINE!" Astrid yelled. She was dressed in normal clothes - plain t-shirt and jeans.

I attempted to pull the covers over my head but she snatched them out of my hands.

"Go away..." I moaned. Astrid shook her head. "I WANNA SLEEP!" I must of sounded like a five year old child, whining about wanting sweets.

Astrid stood over me with a smirk on her face. "I see the medicine worked."

I rubbed the tiredness off of my face. Well...I tried to anyway. "What medicine?"

"I'll explain later. Now get up!" She told me, kinda sternly but I could hear the humour in her voice.

"No," I grumbled.





She unexpectedly 'fell' on top of me, ending up straddling my waist. I widened my eyes, snapping my mouth shut.

She laughed. I glared at her.

She leaned to whisper in my ear, hands resting on my chest. "Are you sure you don't want to get up?"

I gulped. "I - I - I'm s - sure."

"Positive?" She grinned.

"I'm pos-oh screw it."

My lips smashed against hers, my hands gripping her waist, pulling her body close to mine. Her hands ran through my hair, tugging at it every now and then.

As she made the kiss deeper, my hands gripped her waist tighter. She groaned quietly when I pulled her body impossibly closer. Our chests were now touching, Astrid was still straddling my waist.

She smiled against my lips, purposely moving her hips against mine. I moaned.

I pulled away from the kiss and latched my lips onto her neck. She squealed as I pinned her against the bed, my lips still on her neck.

I kissed up and down her neck before pulling away and staring at her beautiful eyes. I was breathing heavily.

I grabbed her hands, interlocked them with mine and pinned them above her head. She pecked me on the lips one last time then resting her head on pillow.

"I'll get up now," I mumbled.

"Thought you would." She laughed at my confused yet amused face. I rolled onto my side, letting go of Astrid.

I watched her walk out the room. Before she left, she swayed her hips purposely so I chuckled at her before she left me in peace.

I'll be down in ten. I told her.

I got no response but I could just see her nodding.

Hey guys, hope you liked the chapter. Astrid should explain everything in the next chapter.

Also the pic is what their symbol will end up looking like on their left wrist.


Also I just wanted to say, I shall not be updating for like a week, at least, starting either tomorrow or Saturday. SORRY!



Till next time...

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