《Chapter 16》

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OMG GUYS! Before I start this chapter, I wanna tell you why I am so excited! My Wattpad app updated on my phone today and that means...I can write chapters on my phone!!! YES! *Coughs*
Anyway,on with the story! CHAPTER WHAT EVER!

I was at school, walking around the cafeteria, looking for Fishlegs and Harry. Well...mostly Harry actually because I can see Fishlegs at a table...alone.

"Hey Fish," I sat opposite him. "You seen Harry yet?" He just sighed heavily, shaking his head.

"No, I haven't," he mumbled. "I tried ringing his phone but it just went straight to voicemail." I groaned in annoyance.

"Well..." I looked around to see if anyone was listening to us, "he will be back right?"

"I don't know Astrid," he shrugged. "He could be out of the country by now." The bell then rang, indicating it was first lesson. "Come on, we have double science." I stood up and followed him to our lesson.

Fishlegs and I sat in our usual place, at the back. We left the middle seat free, hoping that Harry would get to lesson. Hopefully he does...

An hour through the lesson, we were just copying notes from a textbook, when suddenly, the classroom door opened. I didn't pay any attention. I heard them stumble into the room before shutting the door slowly. Everyone's eyes were on the student - or whoever - while mine were focused on my work.

Fishlegs nudged me but I waved him off. He kept doing it before elbowing me in the ribs.

"Ugh, what?" I moaned, facing him. He gestured his eyes to the person who walked in.

"Look," he whispered. I averted my eyes but froze when I saw who it was. My ocean like eyes met emerald green orbs. I gasped, parting my mouth in confusion.

I furrowed my eyebrows before shaking my head at him. Harry broke our eye contact, sitting in a chair right at the front of the classroom.

Fishlegs and I exchanged looks.

"What's he doing?" I asked.

Fishlegs narrowed his eyes slightly, "I don't know. But he's...distressed...I can tell. Just wait till Miss takes the rest of students to do the experiment. We'll just wait here." I nodded, taking glances towards Harry every now and again.

The teacher took the other students out of the classroom to do the experiment, leaving just me, Harry and Fishlegs in the room.

As I rose up, my chair scraped across the floor, alerting Harry. I sauntered over to his desk, standing in front of him. Fishlegs was close behind.

"Harry." He looked up at me. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? WE'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK!" He stared at me from over his bangs before looking down at the desk.

I groaned. "Harry-"

"STOP!" he shouted. I jumped away. "Just...stop." He put his arms on his desk, burying his head into his hands. "I just - I need to - I gotta go." He mumbled before getting up and shoving his bag onto his shoulder.

Before he walked out the classroom, I grabbed his hand and turned him to face me. He tried to pull away but I held on tight. I pecked his lips quickly before making eye contact.

"Harry, I -" I was cut off when he planted his lips on mine, moving them in sync. I soon melted into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He pulled away - slowly - after a few minutes. I brought my hand up to place it on his cheek. He leaned into my touch as I caressed his cheek.

"Astrid? I don't know how to say this but...I-I'm breaking up with y-you." I widened my eyes, tears starting to form.

"W-WHAT?!" I stuttered. "Why? What have I done wrong?" My tears were now falling down my face and I made no move to wipe them away.

"I'm sorry," he choked before walking out the classroom. I stumbled over to a chair, sitting down, breathing deeply.

"F-Fishlegs?" I sobbed. He just came over, comforting me.

"That was...intense. He's not the type of person to break someone's heart. Especially his dream girl." I continued to cry silently.

After a few minutes, I stopped. My eyes were bloodshot. I pulled away from my friend, grabbing my bag and walking out the classroom.

"Where are you going?" Fishlegs called.

"I'm going to find Harry and find out what's going on."

CLIFF-HANGER! Hope you enjoy. Sorry if it is short...again. Nothing much to say, so, till next time...

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