《Chapter 19》

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I was running through the school, trying to avoid everyone who was staring at me.

I looked around, searching if anyone was following me.

How did I do that?! Did I bend the air?!

Suddenly, I bumped into something and fell to the floor.

More like someone.

I looked up to see a hand extended out to me.

I grabbed it and hauled myself up.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

When I looked up, I took a sharp breath.

There in front of me was a really, really, hot boy . . .

NO! I love Harry!

I couldn't help myself staring at the new guy.

He has a beanie on with his fringe hanging over his forehead. His hair was dark brown with hazel eyes. He was smiling and his teeth were straight and white.


"Are you okay?" He asked softly. I nodded.

"Thanks for the help."

He held his hand out to shake and I gladly took it.

"I'm Jayden. Call me Jay."

"Astrid. I'm guessing you're new here?" He grinned at me. I couldn't help but blush.

I swear to the gods...If Harry turns up right now.

"Could you show me around?" Jay asked.

"Pass me your timetable." I scanned my eyes over to see what his next two lessons were. He English and Music. And he was in both of my classes. So was Harry...

"Okay. Just follow me. You can sit next to me in Music and English."

"Thanks Astrid."

He then proceeded to follow me.


Jay and I got into English late. But the teacher had not arrived yet. I gestured to Jay to follow me.

The only seats that were left were two at the back right corner.

Jay sat by the wall as I sat next to him.

I could just imagine Flynn and Harry staring at me.

"So," Jay said, "what do you like to do for fun?" I hesitated.

"Well, it depends on how I feel. If I'm bored I'll read but if I'm happy or feeling excited, I'll just play some COD and GTA." Jay nodded in approval.

"I'm guessing you're a gamer type of girl," he smirks, "not that there's anything wrong with that."

We carried on talking, getting to know about each other. I learned he used to be an orphan - like me, but now I had two amazing foster parents...and I love them.

Mr. Lee finally came into the class and began assigning work to us.

It was pretty simple. All we had to do is read chapters of a book then answer questions.

I finished within twenty minutes. Our lesson was an hour long...

I giggled as I watched Jay struggle with the questions. He glared at me before shoving me playfully.

I did it back harder.

I smirked as I practically won the shoving game.

He shook his head at me before getting back to his questions, taking glances at mine from time to time.

Within another twenty minutes, Jay was done. I looked at his and burst out laughing when I realised...

"You only got number one right," I snickered.

He spluttered at me disbelief. "Thanks, I appreciate the support," he grumbled. I laughed harder.

I patted his back, "No problem."

I glanced to my side to see Harry staring at me. We locked eyes for a couple of minutes before I broke the eye contact.

I miss you...you overgrown puppy...

I heard him giggle quietly.

People but just stared at him but I just smiled softly to myself.

Hey guys, the image is of Jay. Don't ask me who it is because I have no clue.

I wrote this quickly but I like it. Sorry if it's too short or there are a lot of mistakes.


Till next time...

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