《Chapter 2》

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Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed the first the chapter. Hoping this one will be longer. This chapter is set a few days after the first one. Image is a forest behind Hiccup's house. Anyway, enjoy!

It was now a Friday. I was at school, again waiting for Fishlegs. Then I saw her walk past the table I was sat at, again. I saw her walk over to where Snotlout and the twins were. If you're wondering who she is, it's a girl who I like, more than a friend.

Her name's Astrid. She has silky long blonde hair which is usually curled at the ends due to it being in a side braid all the time. She's quite popular, just because of her looks...I think. But I've heard that she is a nice person...if she knows you.

Ugh I just saw her and Snotlout share a quick kiss. I cringe like crazy before looking towards Fishlegs who was walking towards me.

'How did I know that?!' I thought.

"Come on," Fishlegs told me. "Let's get to class." I nodded before following him.

I was in class but I was stressing out. I couldn't keep still. I kept tapping my fingers on my desk and 'drumming' my foot on the ground. I could tell the girl in front of me was getting frustrated. I sent her an apologetic smile, although she couldn't see it.

I decided to try and calm down myself from fidgeting but I just couldn't get myself to stop. I had to resist the urge from getting out of my seat and walking outside. I could literally smell the outside from here. The fresh breeze, the garden-fresh grass, everything.

Don't ask me how though...I have no idea.

To distract myself I started thinking about Astrid. But...that wasn't a good idea because it led me to thinking about Snotlout. In anger I kept clenching and unclenching my fists, drops of sweat forming on my forehead.

I began to hit at my wooden desk, with a little bit of force. I don't know why but...Snotlout angered me so much.


The sound of a gun being shot echoed inside the classroom. From it I jumped out of my seat, pushing my chair a few inches away from me. I tried to catch my breath back. When I looked up, I realised everyone was looking at me in astonishment.

That's when I saw small splinters erupting from the bottom side of my hand, drops of blood developing around them. I looked down to my desk and gasped quietly.

The wood was basically split in half. There was a hole where I was punching my fist onto the desk. I then saw the teacher come up to me cautiously. "Uh...well the wood might be rotten. Termites...I guess?" she states.

There were mumbles going around the class, probably about me. I looked around nervously and everyone still had wide eyes except...Fishlegs? He's the one who would be freaking out by now. I decided to make a good decision to avoid embarrassment.

So, I ran out the classroom, into the boy's locker room. I decided to get changed because we had Phys Ed next.


It was next lesson and I was just waiting at the track for the rest of the students. I then saw them flooding out of the school, some jogging and some walking. The teacher was close behind.

Apparently we're doing a 1500 metre run today. This class was ok. The only students that I know are Fishlegs, Astrid, Snotlout and the twins. Ugh, track running was the worst. I always came last...well second to last.

Fishlegs was usually last when he competed otherwise he would just go around helping others.

We were now ready to start running. The teachers always said try your best. Yeah, whatever. You probably do it to just torture us. I'm joking!

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