《Chapter 52》

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"Harry . . . " I heard in the distance. "Harry! Wake up! Don't do this . . ." My eyes blinked open as someone shook my shoulders.

I was facing the ceiling, my head resting on a pillow.

"Hiccup!" I noticed Astrid at my side. She grabbed my face roughly, yet gently, in her hands. "Are you ok?!"

"Hi . . . " I managed to say, my voice straining. My chest was tightening, the pain increasing every minute. I didn't tell Astrid. "What . . . happened?" I asked weakly.

"You fainted and then . . . " Astrid hesitated.


She shook her head. "It doesn't matter." The pain in my chest was getting worse. "Come on, we need to take you to Stoick."

Astrid helped me to my feet. She clutched onto my arm around her shoulders, her spare around my waist. Together, we walked out the small house and down the stairs, leading to the hall.

My hand clenched my shirt, the pain getting even worse. Astrid noticed my discomfort. "Stoick!" She screamed as we burst through the doors.

From looking forward slightly, I saw my dad, Gobber, Flynn and Scott around a small table. But my father ran over as soon as he saw me.

"Lay him on a table!" My back hit a rough surface but I couldn't care less. "Son . . . what's wrong with ye?"

My hands clawed at my shirt, tearing it into pieces. My breathing quickened. My hands balled into fists, my knuckles going white.

"Hiccup!" I heard Astrid cry. I reached an arm out to her, sighing as she gripped my hand.

My body started to shake all over. I spun my head, looking at my father. My voice sounded deeper than usual, "What's happening . . . to me?"

"I honestly do not know son. Flynn, Scott, Gobber, get the pack doctor. Now!" My dad followed after them.

Beads of sweat slipping down my face, that was shaking too. Every single part of my body was shaking, except the hand that was in Astrid's.

Wait, that's it! I know what's happening to me! I'm getting angry for no reason and my body can't decide whether to shift or not. But if Astrid's the only one who can calm me down . . . God, I hope this works.

"Astrid." I was interuppted by a growl emitting from my throat. "Kiss me."

"What?!" She exclaimed.

"Just do it!"

Astrid leaned down and softly placed her lips against mine. Astrid moved her lips as I started to calm down. I stopped shaking, my chest stopped hurting.

Once my breathing had evened, I quickly returned Astrid's kiss as I sat up. I caressed her cheek, pulling her head closer. I smiled slightly.

But the pain returned after Astrid pulled away. My back slammed against the table. "It . . . didn't . . . work . . . " I was growling in between my words. My body started to shake more violently.

I gripped Astrid's arm, noticing black hairs sprouting from my own. "You need . . . to go . . . " I said, in between growls.

"I'm not leaving you!"

I let go, pushing her away gently. "Now . . . Astrid. It's the only . . . way I can . . . protect you." She hesitated. "I'll find you . . . I promise."

I lay on my side, screaming in pain as I shifted into my black wolf. My clothes lay sprawled over the table. I winced as I jumped off the table before my instincts took over. I stumbled across the room, leaving the hall.

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