《Chapter 59》

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I stopped in my back garden, Toothless right beside me. I spread my hands. "Here we are."

Hiccup and Astrid both slid off the saddle.

I quickly spotted my girlfriend who was staring at the house. "Watch this," I mumbled.

I crept up behind Astrid, wrapping my arms around her and shouting "BOO!" really loudly. Astrid screamed, turning around and punching someone very hard across the face.

That someone, was me. I was now on the floor groaning, holding my cheek that was burning with pain.

"Harry!" Astrid yelled, not in concern but frustration. "What were you thinking?!"

"I was saving you." I growled quietly as the pain got worse.

"Saving my ass! Don't scare me!" She punched my shoulder lightly. Astrid then knelt beside me. She pulled me up into a sitting position.

"Sorry I punched you babe." Astrid sounded concerned.

"It's okay." I pulled my hand away, placing them on Astrid's side. She grabbed my face, kissing my jaw line, then my cheeks until she finally got to my lips.

I kissed back with the same amount of passion. Our lips moved in sync. I smiled as we kissed when Astrid placed her hands on my chest. Again, no shirt on.

I pulled away, breathing deeply. "Thanks baby." My cheek felt much better now. But just in case, I moved my jaw around hoping it wasn't broken.

I stood up, picking up Astrid in my arms. I didn't look that strong but I was. At least I had some muscles on my arms.

I made sure she couldn't see where I was going. We just recently had a pool installed. I had an idea. "Toothless!" He ran over. "See that green cover?" He nodded. "Pull it off for me, quickly."

Toothless did as I asked, doing it at an alarming rate. I walked over to the edge, making sure I was near the deep end. I dropped Astrid.

"HARRY!" Astrid screamed as she hit the water. Within a couple of seconds she emerged, gasping silently. She glared at me.

I looked over at Hiccup and gulped. Help my face said but Hiccup laughed.
I yelped when Astrid grabbed my leg and pulled me into the pool. She started laughing. I shook my head, water spraying everywhere.

"Hey Hiccup, you two can either join us or go inside." I explained.

"We'll just, um, yeah, we'll go inside."

As soon as the back door shut, I turned and smirked evilly at Astrid. She had taken her shirt off, which was now soaking, leaving her in her bra and her shorts.

I swam over as Astrid turned to face me. I immediately pressed my lips against hers. It took her a few seconds to respond. As usual, Astrid's lips were soft and gentle.

I deepened the kiss, swimming forward until her back hit the edge of the pool. My lips parted as I gripped her waist, running my cold hand around her stomach. I could feel her body heat warming up my own.

She sighed as I bit her lower lip gently. My brought my hand up to her neck, stroking it softly with the tips of my fingers. I pulled away, licking my lips before I gently kissed her neck.

I parted my lips as I moved up and down her neck. I could feel Astrid shivering. I gently sucked on her skin, kissing her skin right afterwards.

"Harry . . . " she sighed. I pulled away, spinning her around so that her back was facing me. I pressed her against the wall, wrapping my arms around her.

I kissed her cheek, her jaw, then her neck softly. I pulled away quickly to get my breath back.

"Let's stop," Astrid mumbled. I ignored her, rubbing her stomach with my hand. She grabbed my hands. "Seriously Harry. Stop." I apologised, kissing her shoulder.

I turned her around and placed my forehead against hers. I kissed her nose which Astrid scrunched up.

"I love you babe." She told me. I told her that I loved her.

"Come on." I held my arms out. "Hop on." Astrid laughed, jumping into my arms, her arms around my neck. I walked out the pool, quickly grabbing Astrid's shirt on the way.

I looked behind me and noticed Toothless was sulking. "Toothless?" His head shot up. As soon as he saw me he came running over. "Did Hiccup say you weren't allowed inside?"

Toothless nodded slowly. "Don't listen to him, of course you can go inside." Toothless smiled, wagging his tail as he bounded into the house.

I told Astrid the whole story about me finding the three in the woods. Once I had finished, she was shaking her head and laughing.

I placed her in the kitchen, grabbing some fish for Toothless. I chucked it into the hallway as I heard him sliding across the floor and smashing into things.

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