《Chapter 40》

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"Ow!" I yelled, for the hundredth time, landing on the rocky ground with a loud THUD!

I rolled onto my back. Astrid was in front of me, holding her hand out. I grabbed it, pulling myself to my feet.

I dusted myself off. "Well, that was, fun." I hesitated. "Who am I kidding?!" I began to limp over to my area. "Ow, ow . . . ow."

I pointed at Astrid. "Just stop, ok?"

She shrugged. "If you say so." I turned away.

That was a mistake . . .

I felt Astrid 'Air punch' the ground as hard as she could. I was propelled up a few metres before falling at dramatic speed.

"Ok, ok." Tate said.

"Ahhh!" I screamed.

Luckily, Tate came to my rescue, bending the air beneath me to support my body. He set me down, gently, on my back. "That's enough training for today. Tell Stoick we went home."

I watched them shift from my current view, the pair running into the forest.

"Ow . . . " I got up onto my knees and hands, my palms getting cut by sharp rocks. Astrid ran over and gripped my arm as she helped me stand.

She draped my arm over her shoulder, supporting me with her free arm around my waist. Together, we limped back to my house, slowly.

It took us a while but we finally walked into the kitchen. I hopped over to a chair.

I hissed with pain as I sat down. My dad came through the hall, whistling a familiar tune. He stopped, staring wide eyed at me.

"What 'append to ye son?"

I stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Air bending training." Astrid answered, getting a pack of frozen peas out of the freezer. She passed them to me.

My dad threw his head back with laughter. "Oh, I know it's tough but you'll get used t' it."

"Yeah . . . " I said, "getting used to it." I rolled my eyes, placing my 'ice pack' on the side of my head.

Astrid slinged her arm around my shoulders. "Hey, don't worry. Everything will be fine."

I put my forehead on her shoulder, breathing deeply.

"I'll give ya some privacy."

"How do you find it so easy?" I mumbled. Our eyes met.

"I don't know." Astrid shrugged, squeezing my shoulder. "I guess I just don't think about it. It comes naturally."

I laughed slowly. "That really helps."

Astrid slapped my cheek playfully. "Shut up you."

I lifted my head, grinning at her. "You know that I know that you know that I won't ever shut up."

She patted my arm. "Come on, let's get you some medicine."

"Or," I said, "you can get it while I rest."

Her lip twitched. "Fine," she finally said. She ran as fast as she could, through the house, getting back to me in a couple of seconds.

"Here." Astrid grabbed a spoon, pouring medicine onto it.

"Ugh, it looks horrible." It was multicoloured and it was bubbling.

"I don't care. Swallow it." She shoved it into my mouth.

I grimaced, swallowing slowly. I retched with disgust. "Ugh. That was horrible." But the positive side is that my body doesn't hurt . . . as much as it did.

Astrid screamed as I pulled her down into my lap. Her side was against my chest.

"Thank you," I whispered, "for everything."

Astrid locked her hands together, leaning sideways. My hands found her waist.

Astrid shot up, alarmed. Her body went as still as a statue. I stumbled to her side, grabbing her hand.

"What is it?"

Astrid's blue eyes darkened a little. "It's Jay." She growled.

I grabbed her before she could run off. "Don't Astrid. It's my fight, not yours." An alarm sounded, loads of people emerging from the fields around my house.

My father ran into the room. "Is everyone alright?"

I just nodded.

"Astrid, please. Calm down." She kept trying to pull out of my grip but I held on tightly. I placed my head against hers, my lips by her ear. "Please, baby, do it for me. Ignore everyone else. Just calm down."

Astrid took deep breaths, tripping over her feet.

"Woah . . . " I steadied her. "I got you." Tears were stinging her eyes. "Don't cry Astrid. You're stronger than this."

I kissed her, making her stand up - right. I tilted my head. I pulled away as I felt her respond.

"I'm good now." Astrid hugged me. "Sorry." She pulled away as I shifted. "Let me come with you."

I shook my head. I can't risk you getting hurt.

"I'm coming, whether you like it or not." Her stupid stubbornness, she never listens.

I went over to the door. Astrid set herself beside me. We glanced at each other. Let's do this.

We were running. Through the garden, over the hedge, across the field and into the forest. The air was cold tonight and it affected my breathing but that didn't stop me.

A wolf surprised me by jumping out of the trees. I ducked just in time but Astrid wasn't as lucky.

No! I ran over and grabbed the wolf roughly by its neck, throwing it against a tree. It yelped in pain, getting up and whimpering away.

I turned to Astrid. She had a big cut going across her side, a few on her face. Her eyes were closed.

Astrid? I nudged her head.

I breathed a sigh of relief as her eyes fluttered open. Ow . . . she moaned.

I told you. I helped her up to her feet. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. You getting injured . . . I just - I can't bare it.

Stop panicking. I'm fine. Just a few cuts and bruises. Nothing I'm not familiar with.

I shot my head back, howling into the sky. A couple of minutes later, someone came running up to us with a bowl in their hand. They placed it in front of Astrid and ran off.

Your turn for the medicine. As Astrid began drinking it, her eyes snapped shut, the cuts closing themselves up, leaving no scars behind.

Much better. You're all healed now. She sagged her shoulders, staring at the ground. I rubbed my head against hers, making her look up at me. My eyes brightened, wagging my tail slightly.

My ears twitched as I heard an unfamiliar howl.


I began growling, all ready on my feet, scanning the area. Astrid was still weak as her body was swaying a little.

Lie down Astrid. Place your head between your paws. I told her slowly.

I stood over her protectively. Where are you, Jay?

But it wasn't Jay . . . he ran from the trees, past us into the opposite direction. I noticed that he was injured.

Then . . . who is it?

The wolf stepped out, into the light.

Astrid looked surprised as I was. She stood up, with my assistance, and walked over to the wolf cautiously. She stopped a few feet back.

. . . Father?!

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