《Chapter 5》

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I LOVE this picture. Just thought I would add it in. Anyway, CONTINUE!

There were loads of them, all around me. I had no clue who or what they were. I could see that they kind of resembled wolves, but bigger than your normal sized wolf. They were probably the same size as a Bengal tiger. But trust me, I could tell I was much bigger than a Bengal tiger. Me and another wolf. There were some big cats too, like tigers and lions. They definitely did not to belong to any species of big cats/wolves that I knew about.

I crouched down, getting ready to attack. I bared my teeth as one wolf and one big cat began circling me. I watched them both with narrow eyes.

They were both definitely males. The wolf was huge, close to the size of a half grown horse. The big cat was a little smaller, close to the size of a full grown pony, but it had more muscles which makes him look bigger. The wolf had chocolate brown eyes with a hint of green in them. He also had a greyish white coat of fur. His mouth was open slightly, either panting or showing me his canines.

The big cat which I now recognized as a lion, stopped behind me, snarling quietly. His shaggy mane was a deep brown colour with highlights of red. His coat was a type of golden colour with brown highlights also.

They were both still circling me. If I tried to escape, they could easily stop me. As the wolf came closer, I attempted to snap my jaw towards his neck but he dodged it with ease. This animal side was a little frightened but fuelled with anger for being cornered like this. My human side tried to break its cage, but wasn't able to get through. The animal was in control.

A snarl then thundered deep within my throat. I flattened my ears, baring my teeth, continuing to growl at my intruders. I crouched even lower, the hairs on my back standing on end.

Harry, calm down.

I suddenly jumped into the air, at least a few metres high. I was not expecting a voice to echo inside my head. Once I landed, I looked around desperately for the voice, thinking that it was in the world outside. But nobody else was there. Just me, the wolf, the lion and the others.

An annoyed sigh echoed in my mind. I spun around to face the male wolf, walking away at the same time. This is not happening. Both human and animal side were completely oblivious to where this noise was coming from but the animal side didn't care one bit. It just wanted to rip these things to shreds.

This is probably a shock to you, the voice said. But we're your family and we're here to assist you.

My snarl rose to a deafening roar. I couldn't stand this, not anymore. Birds around me flew away, scared from the noise. Through my eyes, I saw myself glaring at the wolf and lion that were now in front of me.

Listen Harry, you don't want the wolf to take over. But you're letting it. You cannot do that; you will put yourself and others in danger. You need to control it.

I was still ignoring the voice. I guessed it was the wolf talking because he was staring me down. My roaring died down, returning to a snarl, which was still sounding vicious. I tried to attack, getting my claws out ready.

Harry, think! Focus on your life!

I finally lunged at the wolf, claws expanded, and my paws ready to push him down. But I never reached him. I ended up a few metres away, on my back. I turned to see the lion had crashed into me. I roared, scrambling to get to my feet. Then I charged at the lion. But he simply knocked me off my feet and practically sat on me. I tried to push him off but he was too heavy. His weight pinned me down.

I clawed and kicked but the lion made no sign to move. Harry, he will not move until you calm down, the wolf said. I kept fighting but the animal was getting restless. I used this as an advandtage. I searched deep into my mind, finding my human side trapped in the cage. The animal was now too tired to fight back so I pushed and pushed until my human side was replaced with the animal.

Now in control, I pulled my paws back, lying completely still. All my limbs went limp. I finally felt the weight lift off my chest. My snarling had now stopped. I stumbled drunkenly to my feet but I became light headed so I just sat down. I saw the wolf and lion copy me.

See? Wasn't so hard was it? I looked up and stared at the wolf in disbelief. I looked into my mind again before repeating the words I had thought earlier.

Who are you and how do I change back to human?

The wolf's voice chuckled inside my head before getting to his feet and turning away from me. He then started to walk with the lion following him. He stopped and quickly glanced his head at me. You'll find out soon enough...Hiccup.

I just stared at him with wide eyes while he began sprinting into the forest, his figure disappearing.


2 chapters in one day! To be continued...

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