《Chapter 41》

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Astrid's normally calm and pleasant demeanor slowly changed and her face contorted in an all consuming anger; her mouth emitting growls, ears flat against the back of her head.

Her claws scraped at the mossy ground. She crouched down, daring her father to come closer. He didn't. What made Astrid even angrier was that her father turned and left.

Astrid growled louder. I saw she was following her father's movements. I slammed my body into hers before she could run off. Her body made contact with the ground, rolling over and over again.

Astrid stumbled to her feet, glaring at me. What is wrong with you?!

I raised my eyebrows. What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?!

Nothing's wrong with me!

We began circling each other, at a distance. Oh, there is definitely something wrong with you.

She snorted heavily. Oh, and what might the reason be?

You nearly attacked your own father, Astrid. That's not normal.

Well, I was angry okay? It's hard to control! Her eyes flashed a darker colour than blue but soon returned to normal. You don't know what it feels like to lose someone that important.

That's it. She's gone too far. Bullshit Astrid. I've lost someone, I know how it feels like. I've lived through the pain for most of my life. That shut her up. But at least I can control how I feel about it.

We stopped in front of each other. I noticed her eyes went dark again, and they didn't change back.

Astrid shot her head to the side, growled then ran off into the night.

What am I going to do with you Astrid? I shook my head, getting rid of the thought, before picking up Astrid's scent and following it.

It took me out of the forest, heading back to my house. I jumped over a hedge, finding her pacing around the field.

Astrid, come on. What's wrong?

She sighed, slumping over towards me. My dad! He can't just . . . turn up like that!

But aren't you glad he's alive?

She was silent for couple of minutes. I guess . . .

I gestured for her to follow me back to the house. We jumped up the stairs in 3 strides, running to my room before shifting back.

Astrid fell to the floor, groaning. I picked her up in my arms, holding her tightly. I chucked her onto my bed, laughing as she mumbled inappropriate words into my covers.

I held out my hands, "Come on Hofferson, bring it in." When she didn't move, I went towards her, my arm around her waist. "Just sleep it off. " I mumbled, kissing her cheek in the process.

"No." She pushed me away roughly, heading over to the wardrobe. "I don't need to sleep it off." She grabbed a jumper and pulled it onto her body, the hood over her head. She then bent down, picking up her shoes and putting them on.

I walked over. "Astrid . . . " My voice was hoarse due to a dry throat. My chin fell to her shoulder, my arms around her waist. "I'm sorry," I breathed.

But she pushed me away again, walking over to my bed and grabbing her phone. She unlocked it, replied to someone then shoved it into her pockets. "I gotta go."

I took a couple of steps forward. "I'll take you home."

"No,no,no." She said, quickly. "I mean I'll be ok. I'm meeting someone."

"Who" I asked.

"None of your business,"Astrid snapped. I raised an eyebrow. "Sorry," she smiled forcefully, "I'm just tired." She came over and kissed me, without giving me a chance to respond and then left. 

That was odd, I thought. She's never acted that snappy like . . . ever. And she said she was meeting someone. What does that mean? I pressed my fingers to my temple, sighing as I sat down on my bed.

My hands fell into my lap. I spun my head and noticed Astrid had left her keys on my nightstand.

I grabbed my phone, unlocking it. I got Astrid's contact up.

You left your keys here. - H

Oh, dammit. I knew there was something. Be there in a few. - A

I lay on my bed, spinning Astrid's keys around my fore finger.

When she got here within a couple of minutes, she barged in through my door without knocking.

Astrid held out her hand. "Keys. Now."

I smirked gazing into her eyes. They looked as if they were fighting against a decision. I could tell one overpowered the other. My eyes stared at her lips, moving them back up. I advanced towards Astrid.

She had no other way but to move backwards. I laughed slightly as her legs hit the edge of my desk. I went in front, trapping her between me and the desk.

Astrid tried to grab the keys but I was too fast. I held them up high above my head, where she couldn't reach. My free arm grasped her neck, rubbing it softly.

Before I knew it, I couldn't last much longer so I moved down, our lips brushing against each other's. Astrid's hesitant lips grew more comfortable with mine as she realised that I wasn't going to pull away.

But, instead, she pulled away from me. I stared sadly at her. "What Harry?"

My heart was thumping heavily against my chest. "Why won't you tell me what's going on?"

She shrugged, grabbing my keys from my hand which I had lowered down without evening noticing. "I don't know, because it's not important?"

"Well, it is now. Spill."

Astrid shook her head. "No. I have nothing to tell you."

I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. "Go then." My voice was harsh. "If it's so important that I don't need to know about it then GO."

Astrid hesitated. "Fine." She finally said. "I'll go. And don't think twice about me coming here again!"

"Whatever." What is wrong with us? "Go. Leave. Now!"



Astrid slammed the door shut, making my room shake.

"Ahhh!" I screamed in frustration. I pulled at my hair, going over to my desk.

Why doesn't Astrid tell me things? I tell things every time. But no, it's too important for me to know what she's doing. Ugh she's so infuriating at times. It's like she doesn't care how angry I get when she doesn't tell me what she's doing.  I HATE IT!

I glared at my computer. I ripped it out from the plugs, dragging the monitor with it. I chucked them both out the window with such force that as they hit the ground, they smashed into millions of pieces.

I closed my window, seeing a glimpse of Astrid's body running across the field. She didn't glance back once. Not at the house, not at me.

I screamed again, balling my hand into a fist and punching my window as hard as I could.

The glass shattered, bits falling into my room. I looked at my hand and saw bits of glass stuck in it.

"Shit!" I yelled, clutching my hand.

I found some tweezers in the bathroom and began pulling out the glass, as carefully as I could.

Once I was certain all the glass had been removed, I cleaned all the cuts and wrapped up my hand in bandages. I fingers and thumb stuck out their perspective holes.

I slumped back into my room, slamming the door shut. I fell onto my bed, not bothering to change and just fell asleep, thinking about Astrid.

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