《Chapter 67》

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It had been two days since I was let out of the pack hospital. Harry came to pick me up, Haiden and Ally at his side. I had given both of them a hug and left Harry standing there, gaping at me. I just laughed until my stomach hurt.

Harry got his father to drive. Me and him sat in the back while Haiden and Ally sat in the front. Harry had wrapped his arms around me, occasionally kissing my cheek.

When we got to the house, Harry carried me upstairs and set me down on his bed. In the two days I was back, I didn't do much.

Flynn had come to visit me, with Scott. We had a few jokes until Harry came and sent them away. But before Flynn left, he and Harry had a conversation.

When Harry closed his bedroom door, he looked quite absent. When I asked him about it, he dismissed it, shaking his head as he crawled into the bed.

I lay awake for a few hours, grimacing at my thoughts of what they could have been talking about. It's annoyed me that he hasn't told me.

It was the early afternoon. I was stepping out of Harry's room to limp myself downstairs. I found Harry, Haiden, Ally, Flynn and Stoick in the kitchen.

Harry was laughing at some joke but when he saw me, his face contorted in shock.

"Astrid!" Harry scolded as he ran over to me, slipping an arm around me. "What are you doing?"

"I was bored," I answered, with a shrug of my shoulders. He helped me over to a chair and sat me down. Flynn came and sat next to me.

"Glad you're up and about," he said with a smile. "I have to - " Flynn stopped himself, gulping loudly. I followed his line of vision and saw Harry was glaring at him. It was almost as if he was daring Flynn to continue.

"Never mind," Flynn stuttered as he got up and walked over to Stoick. I stared at him, confused. Flynn look agitated, like he was itching to say something.

I looked around. They all looked agitated. They were all staring at Harry who was still glaring in Flynn's direction. I only managed to see the slight shake of Harry's head before he turned to me.

I stared at Flynn with a what's wrong face. He gestured, It doesn't matter.

I narrowed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration. I groaned in annoyance. Harry grabbed my hand and sat next to me.

"Everything okay?"

"Everything's fine," I snapped, "like everybody else is." I growled silently. What was he not telling me? What were all of them not telling me?

Harry looked taken back from my tone but I couldn't care less at the moment.

He ran his thumb over my knuckles, which, I admit, made me relax. Whatever he wasn't telling me, I was going to find out, one way or another.

I looked down at my wrist to see another element symbol embedded into my flesh; the element of fire. I must have received it while I was in the pack hospital. This would help me actually.

I raised my head, Harry staring at me, concerned. I whispered something into his ear and he smiled, running out of the room. That would keep him busy, for the moment.

I stood up slowly, stumbling across to Flynn. Everyone else backed up behind me. Flynn's eyes widened and he started to fumble with his fingers nervously.

"Flynn," I said, "what happened while I was in hospital?"

Flynn avoided eye contact. "N-nothing happened."

"Flynn . . . " I warned, my eyebrow raised.

"Okay, okay!" Flynn told me the whole story of what happened. Most of it I didn't care about but one part hit me like a ton of bricks.

"He really . . . did that?" I whispered. Flynn nodded at me.

"He told me not to tell you but I hate keeping secrets! The worse part was that he wasn't planning on telling you!" Flynn shifted into his wolf, ready to get away if Harry got mad.

"Thanks Flynn." I patted his head as I stared at Harry who came strolling into the kitchen. He stopped when he saw everyone glaring at him.

Harry didn't notice the tears building up in my eyes. I quickly wiped them away, standing my ground. Stoick stood next to Flynn.

Harry looked at all of us. "Why are you guys glaring at me? Did I do something wrong?"

"You definitely did something wrong," I growled. Suddenly my injury didn't hurt and I didn't feel weak. I looked under my top to see the bruising fading away.

I can't believe he did that. I was angry and upset. I was definitely more angry. Just the thought of him not planning to tell me really pissed me off.

I ripped my bandages off, letting the shredded pieces fall to the floor. I walked towards Harry, the tears beginning to sting my eyes . . . again.

Harry started to glare at Flynn but I blocked his view.

"What did I do wrong?" Harry asked in a deadly, quiet but calm voice.

"I think you already know the answer to that question." I was glaring at him, at least a metre apart.

"Astrid, I - "

I cut him off. "Don't come any closer!"

Harry growled menacingly. "Flynn . . . Where are you?!"

"Get out of here Flynn!" He obliged, jumping out the window, smashing it to pieces. Harry tried to follow but I shot a fireball that missed his feet by an inch.

"If you want Flynn," I growled, "you gotta get through me first."

Harry sighed heavily. "I'm not going to fight you Astrid. I love you, so much. I would never hurt you."

"But you have!" I screamed. "You've hurt me time and time again! It was never physical, the pain, it was emotional."

"Astrid . . . I had no idea, I . . . " Harry stopped himself, hanging his head.

"You better be proud of yourself, Haddock, because you've gone and hurt me, again!"

"I don't even know - "

"Don't you dare use that excuse on me," I snarled. "You know exactly what you did. You kissed Merida. Of all the people you could've have cheated with me on, you choose Merida."

Harry was silent, glowering at me. But his eyes told another story. They looked hopeless, empty, the tears building up.

They was a jabbing pain in my chest but I chose to ignore it. "Well, guess what Haddock. You just lost another girl from your life."

I stormed out the Haddock household, shifting as I sprinted to nowhere in particular.

I hope this makes up for the terrible short chapter! Would love to hear your thoughts!

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