《Chapter 58》

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I stopped running, trying to return oxygen into my lungs. As I panted heavily, I realised I was in the woods. Five and a half miles behind me was the town, in Berk.

The roaring of discomfort sounded much closer now. I started to breathe normally again, forcing myself forward. My ears twitched as I heard birds tweeting, deers eating grass and grasshoppers chirping.

After a few minutes of walking, I froze. In front of me was the biggest bat I had ever seen. At least I think it was a bat . . .

It had a long black tail with dorsal fins running up its tail and back.

Okay, definitely not a bat.

On the end of the tail I saw one red tail fin and a black one. I'm guessing the red fin was fake because it had some sort of a tribal crest on it.

As I looked up its back, I saw two huge bat-like wings attached to it's body. Above them I saw some brown and leathery. Was that . . . a saddle?

The thing spun it's head.

I was faster. I retreated into the trees, my black body blending in with the shadows.

I suddenly realised . . . It's a dragon! I mentally smacked my forehead. Of course! The wings, the tail, the dorsal fins, it all makes sense now!

The dragon was black all over, with two big green eyes, with large black pupils. I didn't know how but I knew the dragon had retractable teeth.

Didn't my dad say something about Vikings having pet dragons thousands of years ago?

The dragon turned, showing me the left side of his body. It had some sort of stirrup, like something clicked into place with it. I saw it connected to the fake tail.

The dragon suddenly roared again. I'm guessing in frustration because it rolled its eyes.

Suddenly, I heard a twig snap. My whole body tensed. I heard someone curse as something caught them. The voice sounded strangely familiar.

Then he appeared. I only saw the back of him but I could tell he was my age. Either sixteen or seventeen. I was seventeen.

His hair was shaggy, an auburn colour, like mine, with two small braids sticking out by his right ear.

He was wearing some out of long sleeved red shirt with green trousers. He had some sort of leather clothing on his chest, with shoulder pads and what looked liked to be a leather arm warmer holding a compass.

When I looked down, I gasped. The guy only had one boot on. In replacement of his left foot was the most basic metal peg leg I had ever seen.

"Hey buddy!" He shouted as he ran over to the dragon. The guy hugged the dragon's head to his face. "Oh gods, Toothless, I was so worried!"

I stared to choke. Toothless?!

Someone else came through the bushes. "There you are Hiccup." It was a girl. She had blonde hair, which was in a side braid across her left shoulder.

She had metal shoulder pads, a blue shirt on, a skirt, some blue leggings and knee high fur boots. That's basically all I saw.

"I'm okay, bud," mumbled the boy as his dragon licked his cheek. He then got up, walking over to the girl and giving her a side hug. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Despite having cuts all over her arms and face, the girl shook her head. "I'm fine. Where are we?

"I don't know," the boy said, "but I know it's definitely not Berk."

Wait, hold on . . . They're from Berk?!

The dragon known as Toothless saw me emerge from the trees. He ran over to the boy and girl, curling his tail around them and growling quietly at me. But they didn't notice as they were having a small argument.

I snarled back at Toothless, which caught the girl's attention. She gulped, elbowing her friend. "Hiccup, look! A wolf!"

His name is Hiccup?! Now this is getting really weird.

"A - Astrid, get onto Toothless' back, now."

Are you kidding me?!

As me and Toothless had a death glare contest, Hiccup climbed on Toothless' back in front of Astrid.

Didn't my father say our generations evolved from Vikings or something?

That's it! They're Vikings! Our previous life lines! But why are they here?

I stopped snarling at Toothless, changing my expression to a calm face, jutting my head to the side.

Hiccup copied my actions, patting Toothless' head which stopped his snarling but that didn't stop his death glare at me.

"Hey, Astrid, I think he's friendly."

Astrid stared at Hiccup. "Are you crazy?" She hissed. Hiccup ignored her, slipping out his saddle and walking over to me slowly.

He outstretched his hand. I sniffed it. It smelt of coal and smoke. I retreated into the trees before shifting.

I walked out with just cargo shorts on my body. I stretched my upper body, looking at the shocked faces on Hiccup, Astrid's and Toothless' face, especially Hiccup's.

His jaw was dropped, his eyes wide and his eyebrows raised. He was staring at my face and body as Astrid was just staring at my chest. It wasn't very muscular but it had visible muscles.

I was the exact same height as Hiccup. I looked at Toothless. "May I?" Hiccup barely nodded, watching me as I outstretched my hand.

Toothless shuffled forward slowly. He sniffed my hand before continuously rubbing his head all over my hand. I stopped him, grabbing his head and giving him a rub, my nose swiftly moving against his.

I looked up. It was getting dark. "Come on," I said as I stood up," let's go. Toothless, boy, follow me." The dragon nodded eagerly, wagging his tail like a dog. Because Hiccup was still frozen in his spot, I grabbed him and put him on Toothless' back.

I started to run towards my house, sending a message to (my) Astrid, telling her where to go.

Considering I was running pretty fast, Toothless managed to keep up with me with ease.


Thank you.

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