《Chapter 44》

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"Hello?" I called as I walked through my front door, Harry following behind me. Flynn's parents just got back so he had to go home.

"Anybody home?" No answer. Hm, they must be at work then.

"Come on, babe." I held out my hand which Harry didn't hesitate to grab. I pulled him up to my room.

Harry jumped on my bed as I shut my door. "I swear you're still a child."

"I am not!" He snickered quietly.

"Of course," I sighed, laughing.

I went over to my wardrobe, pulling out some sweat pants and a t-shirt. Harry stared as I got changed.

I chucked my dirty top at him. "Stop." I laughed slowly.

He caught it in his hands, breathing deeply. "I think I'm okay." He smirked evilly, getting off the bed.

I placed my hand over his heart. "See? I told you it was there."

"Ha-ha-ha, still doing that one are ya? That's hilarious . . . Come here you." My arms fell by my side as Harry grabbed my waist, pulling so our bodies were against each other.

"Hmm!" I mumbled as he suddenly kissed me. I stood in the same position. His lips were soft and gentle, he wasn't rushing. Our spare hands didn't move.

Even our lips stayed in the same position. My heart was thumping heavily against my chest. This has got to be the best kiss he has ever given me.

He pulled away after a couple of seconds, gazing into my eyes as he smiled. My lips parted as I tried to smile.

Harry let go and got his hoodie out of his bag, which he put on and shoved the hood over his head.

I laughed at him. He stared at me like I was crazy.

"What?" I asked innocently.

Harry shook his head, smiling. "Nothing."

"Yeah right." I smirked back at him.

"Astrid?" Someone called. "I'm home! Steve is still at work."

My eyes widened. "Shit!" I hissed quietly.

"Astrid? Where are you?"

"Uh..." I hesitated. I was silent for a couple of minutes.

"Say something!" Harry mouthed.

"I'm up here!" Harry slapped his forehead.

I started to run around my room, cleaning it up. I chucked things over to Harry. The amount of times he had been here - two times - he knew where everything was.

I started to panic as I heard footsteps going along the corridor. They got nearer and nearer.

"Astrid, honey?" My foster mother, Sammy, opened my door. I slid across my floor over to the door and slamming it shut.

"I'm, uh, getting changed!"

"Are you?" Harry whispered.

"Who was that?" Sammy asked.

I glared at Harry. "It was me! I was just . . . talking to myself, about homework. Yeah, homework!" I couldn't even convince myself.

"Oh right, ok. Well, just come and tell me if you're plans change. You have been staying at your friend's a lot lately. I'll be downstairs." I waited until I no longer heard footsteps.

I slid down my door, placing my hand on my chest, breathing a big sigh of relief.

Harry was silently laughing at me. "So I'm a 'friend' am I?"

I huffed, getting off the floor. I walked over to my bed, jumping onto it. Harry jumped on next to me.

He lay on his side, his head against his hand with his elbow against the mattress. "You have to tell them sooner or later."

I sighed. "I know, it's just difficult. They didn't particularly want me to get a boyfriend after they found out what happened between me and Scott."

Harry avoided his gaze from mine.

"Oh, sorry Harry. But just so you know, this is my favourite relationship by far."

Harry pulled me closer. "I'm glad," he mumbled against my neck. "I am made of boyfriend material." He chuckled quietly at his own joke.

"Oh my gods, you're so weird." I kissed his cheek, his smile reaching his eyes.

"Astrid!" Sammy called.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, falling out the bed, landing on the floor with a loud THUD! "Ow . . . " Harry was trying to steady his breathing as he couldn't stop laughing.

"Shut up!" I hissed quietly.

"Astrid? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Sammy! Just don't do that again."

"Can you come down, please?"

"Sure!" I replied calmly, standing up to my feet.

I pointed at Harry. "Stay. Here." I said firmly. He nodded.

I ran out my room, over to the stairs and sliding down the banister.

I found Sammy in the kitchen. "I have a question to ask you, Astrid." Her voice was stern, her face serious."

I raised an eyebrow. "O-kay?" My heart began racing. Does she know about Harry? About me hiding him in my room?

"There's definitely no one in your room?"

"Of course there isn't." Sammy didn't look convinced. "I'm serious. Go check if you have to."

Get out! I screamed in my mind.


We're coming up the stairs! Hurry up! Just lock yourself in the bathroom.

Around this time we were outside my bedroom door. I opened it, gesturing my arm to the room. "See? I told you."

"Hmm. Anyway." I closed my door. "I'm gonna go pick up Steve then we'll be back. If you go out, please tell me."

"Okay, okay. I will. Now go." I shooed her away, listening for the front door to close.

I ran into my room. "Harry? It's safe." He unlocked the door, stepping out cautiously. "I don't know about you but I'm going to sleep."

I got into my bed, wrapping the covers around me. Harry slid in next to me, his hand playing with my hair. I lay my head on his warm, soft chest.

"Sleep well," I heard him mumble before I was took into a dark slumber.

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