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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

After hearing the sound of alarm....Two angelic eyes opened just to see those cracked ceiling....This is his morning's view... watching the cracked ceiling but what else can do this poor soul as he is not like those richy asses....
He sat on the bed while yawning and wished himself by saying
"Good Morning Taehyung "

He lives in a Old apartment...that apartment is not good but also is not that bad for Taehyung....He lives here because the rent of this apartment is very less as it's so old....He don't have enough money that he'll live in a furnished house or I say apartment....
His friends even tried to help him but he refused them....

After wearing his slippers he went towards the window and opened it while the sunlight enters in his room making the room bright....He looked at that big ass tree where birds were chirping while moving around to their nests....
He smiled at them and then went in the bathroom....
After getting freshed...he wore a navy blue oversized hoodie and a black baggy jeans and putted down the sneakers....

Combing his hairs he was making weird faces and laughing to himself while looking at mirror....then he took his bag and ran downstairs....

Reaching in the kitchen he saw there was nothing except some breads , milk and strawberries....
He took breads and started eating with milk and still he was so happy like he is eating the most expensive food....
Yeah....he was happy in that....so happy...


After eating he drank water , took some strawberries and left the house after locking it....

There his dear friends were waiting for him...As soon he saw them he smiled widely and waved at them....they also returned it with the same feeling...

These three of them were walking on the footpath while chitchatting and laughing together....

Reaching infront of the university....They entered and went to their respective lectures....
Kim Taehyung and Jeon Junkook had the same subject where Park Jimin has different....

Aparting from them Jimin went for his lecture and these two rushed towards their lecture....
They are always on time nor like others who comes late and then make annoying excuses....
They came to their seats and sit and the next minute Professor arrived with some books....

After greeting , they sat and waited the professor to start the lecture....

The professor was about to start the lecture but before that two Girls entered in the room....

Annyeonghaseyo...Mr. chui One of the girl said and bows at him...he smiled and asked her You are new student... right ??
Yes Mr. Chui she stated with a smile then Professor looked at that another girl but she was busy in....

STARING someone....

Professor was about to ask her but before that she stated I'm her sister ...

After that the new student came and sit on a empty seat....that another girl leaves from there but her eyes were glued on someone whole time... that someone was none other than....


see you in the next part .....


*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now