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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

??? : MISSION 2 INTERMISSION !!!!!!! *smirk*

He finally pulled out his mask and breathed out then looked at his carved chest and smiled....

Yn's side***

She came out from there and aggressively drove her car towards.....

Half an hour later she reached infront of junkook's apartment and kicked the door but the door was locked so after kicking it many times.... finally she kicked lastly and door broke down....she entered in and saw there was no one...she ran into junkook's room and saw he was sleeping there while hugging a banana milk bottle....she shouts....


He immediately woke up and stood up on his bed then looked at her with terrifying eyes but when he saw her then he made an annoyed face and....

Junkook : Yahh....you again....go

Yn : I won't leave you alive today....

Junkook : What I've done ?

Yn : Where's my Taehyung ?

Junkook : Attending meeting *unknowingly*

Yn : What ??

Junkook : *realizes* I mean how would I know where's him ??

Yn : You were the one who told me that you'd kidnapped him....

Junkook : I just lied to you at that time

Yn : Spit the truth and tell me Where's Taehyung ?

Junkook : Who are you gurl ? Who's him to you ?

Yn : I'm his......

Junkook : his ??

Here Yn stopped cuz at this moment she herself didn't knew what to say....but still...

Yn : I'm his lover....

Junkook : You and his lover ??

Yn : Yeah

Junkook : Does he feels the same ??

Yn : He......

Junkook : Your face is saying everything that he don't feel the same......

Yn : I......

Junkook : You are just Obsessed with him but not in love with him....

Yn : Y-----

Junkook : First come and sit.... You're hurt too badly.....did you got into any fight ??

Yn : .........

He grabbed her hand and made her sit on the bed then took first aid kit and started applying cream on her injured areas.... At this time she remembered her and Taehyung moment....How he pulled that bullet from her arm and all. She was so lost that she didn't even realised that Junkook had already left from there.....she came back into her sense and came downstairs and saw junkook was on the kitchen chopping vegetables....she came to him and stood up but then she heard sobbing... Junkook's sobbing....she turned him and saw he was crying silently.....

Yn : Why are you crying ??

Junkook : My Taehyung Hyung.....I wanna meet him..... please.....

Yn : Don't worry.... he'll be here soon....my secret security are finding him....

Junkook : Yk he is the best hyung....

Yn : Yeah....Your hyung is so best....

Junkook : He's so pure hearted

Yn : Yeah he is

Junkook : I want to him now....

Saying this he started crying very badly.... Her heart clenched cuz she was also crying internally...maybe she was showing that she's rude and heartless but internally only she knew what she was feeling....her pain.

Yn : Junkook.....Stop crying.... I'm finding your hyung.... he'll be back soon

Junkook : No.... You're lying

Yn : I'm not lying kookie....

Junkook : kookie ?? Hyngggggg.....

He started crying more...

Junkook : hyung also used to call me kookie....

Yn : Junkook calm down.....

Saying this she hugged him and he also hugged her back but then out of sudden....


Junkook stabbed her two times on the back and her body fall on the floor lifelessly.

The end of Mafia Queen and Story !!


I KNOW IT WAS SUDDEN AND MANY OF YOU DIDN'T EXPECTED THIS BUT I'VE TO DO THIS SO SORRY FOR THAT....I also know you guys are disappointed but I can't do anything.

Thank you so much for showing this much love in this story and commenting those lovely words. Thank you so much for those all votes and reads. I hope you guys will support me like this in future too. Anyways....


We'll meet again in another story...till then bye.....💜💜💜💜👍🏻

How was this lame prank ?? Don't tell me you guys really thought this story end here.


Take care of yourself 💜 ✨

Lots of love from this author and also sorry for that lame prank 🙂

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