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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Yn : It was the best meal in my whole life.... I'll always remember this....I can't forget it even I want to.... *smiled*

At that time , he only wanted to hug her tightly and spin around but he controlled his emotions and spit venom again...

Taehyung : I know....Now can you go from here....

Yn lastly smiled and left from there....

As soon she left , he jumped in happiness and....


Saying this he took chopsticks and immediately digged into food and put a big bite of food in his mouth but just few seconds later...


He was running here and there while searching for water... moreover water was infront of him but him being him didn't cared and started screaming about his all reletives....he reached into kitchen and started opening and closing fridge while screaming.....then suddenly....

??? : Here...take this....

He turned and saw Yn was holding a spoon full of honey...he didn't cared about anything and snatched it from her hand... After gulping down whole honey , he slipped on the floor while breathing out....

His eyes were fully teary and lip & cheek were red....sweats were formed on his forehead....

Yn also sat on her knees infront of him and forwards her hand in order to ruffle his hair but then she remembered....

Taehyung : You better don't touch me please....I told you already and even now telling you that I'm uncomfortable.

She pulled her hand back and after giving a glass of water to him , she left.

Taehyung gulped down that whole glass of water and said to himself....

Taehyung : omg....how did she beared it.... Just in one bite , I'm like this and there she is calm after eating whole plate...my tongue is still burning gawwddd....WAIT....

Yn : It was the best meal in my whole life.... I'll always remember this....I can't forget it even I want to.... *smiled*

Taehyung : Was that a compliment or she mocked me ?? Well..........that was embarrassing.... hehehe


Two hours later***

Taehyung was in his room but then he heard a knock....

Taehyung : Come in

Yn slightly pushed the door and entered in.

Taehyung : You are here to mock me again ??

Yn : When did I ??

Taehyung : Leave it..........Why are you here ??

Yn : I just want to inform you that..... I'm going in a party tonight so I'll be late.....

Taehyung : Party ??

Yn : Yeah..... Mafia's Party.....Today they are going to ann----

She stopped remembering something and again Continued.....

Yn : It's just a mafia's party and as a mafia Queen.... I'm going..... that's it

Taehyung ( in mind ) : I know babygirl.... You can't hide anything from me....I know why are you going in this party.

She started going out of his room but....

Taehyung : Wait

Yn : Yes ??

Taehyung : I'm also coming with you

Yn : Why ??

Taehyung : What if you killed someone there....I don't trust you or moreover what if you see any enemy of yours and started Torturing him there.... what if you seduced someone there and ended up doing it.... I'm also coming with you....

Yn : bu----

Taehyung : I don't need your permission.... Go from here...I want to rest....

She left from there and Taehyung stood then locked his room.


Hey dear , this is Last short part...Next time I'll make it long....

Actually I'm going out of city cuz of some works so that's why I updated this last chapter. Sorry for making it short. Next time I'll be long. This is the last update of today...


Take care 💜💜

*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now