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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Taehyung : And does your boss even know who I'm ?? What's my real identity ?? huh ?!

This time he said in a husky deep and scary voice....that man's limbs started trembling in fear hearing his voice....now he was gulping hard and was looking at Taehyung meanwhile Taehyung who was staring at him a death glare and evil smirk....

Man : W-who a-are y-you ??

Taehyung started laughing crazily but stopped in middle that made that man get scared out of sh*t. Taehyung leaned at his ear and whispered.....

Taehyung : Do you know who is " V " ??

Hearing this deep voice that man got goosebumps and his eyes opened widely.... And by reading his expression we can say that he knew V maybe.....Not sure....

Man : But.....

Taehyung : Your boss is still too innocent to know that....

Man : I'll tell him....just wait for me get discharged from here.....

Taehyung : Ok......bye.....see you soon....

Taehyung smiled innocently and then left from the room....

Man : Boss.... Just wait.... I'm coming to tell you.... Taehyung is not Taehyung..... but your " DEATH " .....

That man said this to himself....and just then doctor came to him and started checking him....

Man : Doctor.... When I'll get discharged from here ??

Doctor : Tomorrow.....

Man : Time ??

Doctor : Maybe at 10 : 00 pm....

Man : Doctor....can you discharge me at Tomorrow's morning.... please

Doctor : Sorry but I can't.....

Man : Sir please.... it's important....

Doctor : My job is more important here....

Man : Umm....then can you give me your phone for few minutes.... I've to talk with someone ...

Doctor : Look mister....You can talk with your girlfriend when you'll get discharge from here and if you're too desperate to met her then meet her.....in your dreams....

Saying this doctor left from there without hearing anything....

Man : Argh.... I don't have any girlfriend... I just wanted to talk with my boss...

That man whispered to himself but doctor was already left.


Taehyung was kneeling infront of a grave in cemetery....it was of Yuni's

He put the bouquet of white roses infront of grave and said....

Taehyung : Rest in peace Yuni.... I'm sorry....

A drop of tear left his eyes as he was trying himself to stop from crying....But luck was not on his side and he burst out in tears...

After 5 minutes of crying he wiped his tears and smiled sadly and said......

Taehyung : Don't worry yuni.... I'll surely take revenge of your merciless death....

Saying this he put his hands on bouquet and pulled out a.....

" Fully loaded REVOLVER "

He kissed the gun softly and looked at the grave then said.....

Taehyung : Actually you deserve this death " YUNI ".......thank yourself to God that I DIDN'T KILLED YOU TILL THEN or else you had known that what a " RUTHLESS DEATH " Called.......

He started laughing like a maniac and crushed the roses there then left.....


*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now