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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Taehyung : KYONGGGGG

He screamed and ran to her and started crying looking at her....

Taehyung : Kyong....you can't leave me.... Please don't close your eyes.....Kyong.....

Kyong : I'm S-Sorry s-sir....M-m-ma'am.... I'm S-Sorry B-but we are j-just f-fri----

She finally closed her eyes and her body fall on the floor lifelessly..... Taehyung screamed more as tears were always flowing continuously.

Yn grabbed him by his arm and make him stood up then.....


They came and stood while hanging Their head low....

Yn : Throw her body in the jungle....

They left with kyong's dead body.....

As soon they left Taehyung grabbed Yn by her collar and started shaking her being angry....


He started crying while shouting.....Yn poked her cheek with tongue and said....

Yn : You are only mine babyboy and if anyone dares to touch you then it'll be their last day on the earth.....wait..... don't tell me you were falling for her....huh ?!

Taehyung : Nahh....Not her but YOU.....I was falling for you....you know why.... because seeing your sweet behaviour nowadays made me fall for you....I didn't cared that you'd hurted me....I didn't cared that you'd kidnapped me....I just thought maybe loving me can turn you like that you can't stay away from me that's why you kidnapped me but NOOO......I WAS WRONG....I WAS TOTALLY WRONG ABOUT YOU.....YOU DON'T LOVE ME.....YOU ARE JUST A FREAKING OBSESSED MAFIA QUEEN......I HATE YOU MS. MAFIA.....I HATE YOU.....I HATE Y-----

She immediately choked him with one hand and grabbed his hair with another hand......but wait....it was not hurting him....he was just looking at her angrily....
Suddenly she pushed him on the bed and started laughing maniacly.....

Yn : You hate me ??? Hahahahahaha..... Yk you can hate me afterall everyone's do so it's not a new thing for me that you are also doing the same.... hahahahahahahahaha....

She started leaving the room while laughing but stopped at the door and turned to him then grab a case from the side table and throwed on the floor making it scattered in small pieces. Then she finally left and Taehyung went to that place and started crying while looking at that blood which was on floor. Kyong's blood.

Taehyung : Now I'll not stay here any minute..... I can't..... I'm sorry Kyong....I can't save you..... I'm really sorry....

He wiped his tears and started reminding the memory of him and her....

How Kyong used to cared him....how they enjoyed in the amusement park....how they used to enjoy when Yn left.....how much happy both of them....she was the first friend of him....both of them were just a innocent ones whose friendship was pure...

He freshed himself then wore a Shirt , hoodie and jeans.....he came out of bathroom and stood infront of mirror looking at himself. He smiled weakly and said.....

Taehyung : I hope you rest in peace kyongiie ......

His mind was filled with guilt....the guilt of not saving his friend....the guilt that she died because of him.....his heart was heavy but now he can't do anything.

Taehyung : Now.... I'll show you Mafia queen that how it felt when......

* Your LOVED ONE left *


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