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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Taehyung : I hate you Mafia queen... remember this....

As soon she heard it she stopped on her place and turned to him but here one thing was different and that was her emotion... She was just showing that she's angry and don't care about his words but inside something was killing her..... something was reminding her.... something was suffocating her..... something was drowning her....... something was stabbing her heart.... Something was clutching her heart.... Something was going on her mind.... something was happening and she wasn't able to control so she just looked at him from head to toe and left before closing the door with a thud sound. Showing her anger on poor door.......

Meanwhile as soon she left he started jumping on his bed and then said....

Taehyung : Hahaha...I know how to make her get out of my room....now let me go.... Let's go Taehyung......

Saying this he smiled , took his black oversized hoodie then after wearing it he jumped from the window....and left from there just like he ran last time.

He was now running on the street and then stopped at a place to catch his breath...he looked back and smiled boxily....he looked everywhere and almost stores were closed.... He was hungry but no money no honey....I mean no money.... He saw a old man was trying to cross the road but wasn't able to do.... taehyung went to him and helped him....old man smiled and give him some money..... Taehyung smiled and old man left....

Taehyung : God....You really love me aren't you ?? Hahahaha .....

He was laughing being happy and then went on a convenient store....there he buyed kimchi and a cold drink then sat on a table and started eating.....

After eating he left from there and now he was thinking what to do....he was walking down but nothing was coming in his mind but then.........

* Taehyung's scene ends here *


As soon yn left his room she came into her room and started breaking things and was screaming while tears in her eyes....she almost broke everything like Flower vases , her dressing mirror , glass table , lamps and whatever was coming in her hand. Finally she stopped and fall on the bed then clutched her hairs and started crying finally.
She was crying but there was no one to listen her....no one was there to ask that why is she crying....no one was there to comfort her....she remembered something and is that.....


??? : Remember my words that you're going to cry too much in future and there will no one exce------


Yn : Clear this mess

Flashback ends

She again cried remembering it and remembered it....


??? : You're a heartless piece of shit just like your FATHER....

Yn : * laughing evily *

Flashback ends

Yn gritted her teeth and screamed....


First time she cried and the reason was Taehyung's words.... heartless word ringing in her head......

" She's so heartless hahahah "

" I hate you "

" Let's break up , you're so heartless...I can't be with you "

" Friendship is not Love yn... you're so heartless to understand this "

" Like father like daughter "

" What type of child we can expect from a heartless father "

" You're heartless mafia "

" I think she's psyco "

" No...I can't befriend with you "

" Hey heartless.... hahahaha "

" Hey look....psyco is coming... hahaha "

These words were ringing in her mind making her go crazy....she took her two leather belts and opened the door then she went in a secret room and closed the door then.....


Person was screaming out of lungs but Yn was not stopping she was beating him with both belts making dark black scars on person's body.....



She slapped the person continuously until he fainted but here her heart was burning so much that she didn't stopped and pulled out a knife and.......

* Stabbed on person's palm *

??? : Ahhhhhhhhhhhh


*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now