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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Doctor : I'm sorry but cuz of too much blood lose....we didn't succeed to save him


He immediately sat on the bed and started breathing heavily...other members also woke up and namjoon immediately gave water to junkook and he drank in one go.

Jimin : what happened kookie ??

Jin : are you ok ??

Junkook : Taehyung Hyung....he left us....he left us hyungii....how can h---

Jimin : Junkook calm down....

Jimin immediately hugged junkook and junkook started crying again. Last night they somehow convinced Junkook to came home and thank god they were successful in it.

Both of them broke hug and....

Junkook : hyungs.... I'm going to hospital... I want to see Taehyung

Namjoon : Calm down kookie....Suga and hobi are there....

Junkook : but----

Jin : You want to get hit by my pink slipper ??

Jin said with a angry and serious face few seconds later , everyone broke into laughter....

Namjoon : kookie.... it's midnight now.... sleep..... we'll go in the morning....hmm

Junkook smiled weakly and everyone slept.

Next Morning***

Members reached in the hospital only to see Suga sleeping peacefully and hobi was walking back and forth.

Namjoon : Is everything ok ??

Hobi : I don't know.... doctor is doing last check-up..... we've to wait till he came out

Jin : it's ok....You and Suga can go now.... I mean go and freshed up then come here

Hobi : No.... we're Fine....

½ hour later, finally doctor came out and all of them except Suga rushes to him....

Doctor : Don't worry.... he's out of danger now....

Junkook : can we meet him ??

Doctor : Sorry but he's still unconscious....

Namjoon : it's ok doctor....thank you so much....

Doctor left from there and junkook jumped on happiness....he ran to Yoongi and started shaking him continuously....


Suga : YAHHH.....Leave me....I knew it....

Everyone except Suga : How ??

Suga : Because....Last night...he was asking me to buy Gucci underwears....

Jimin : He was awake ??

Suga : Yes.........In my dreams.... hahaha

Jin immediately pulled out his pink sleeper and hits on Yoongi's butt making him yelled in pain. Everyone laughed.


Taehyung : I'm leaving you forever....I can't be with someone who don't love me.... I'm sorry.....You should find someone else for your Obsession.....

Yn : But----

Taehyung : No buts Yn.....I also have a life to live with my love....I don't want to stay in your hell..... I'm going bye *vanishes in air*


She woke up while breathing heavily fully covered in sweats... She immediately took the glass full of water and gulped down in one go. She wiped her sweats and breathed out.

Few minutes later , she remembered last night but the only thing was coming in her mind and is that she killed Yang chang and his gangs. She didn't remembered Anything else and also her mind was not in the state of thinking anything... totally messed up.

She was thinking that how did she came in her mansion , in her room.

Yn got up and entered in the bathroom but she got shocked when she saw.....


*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now