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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Soon they reached infront of a mansion and both of them entered.

Time skips__

Taehyung's side***

He was on the cafe.....

He was taking the order from a customer and after taking the order he came in the kitchen area but there was everyone whispering something.... Taehyung ignored it as he don't care about these things as he's a decent human....this type of whispers are so common for him cuz others workers always gossip stupid things or brainless things.....

Few minutes later he served the order then started working again in kitchen....there he heard.....

Worker 6 : Hey....I heard any mafia is going to visit our restaurant....

Taehyung gulped as soon he heard mafia and only one thing came in his mind and is HER. Now he started hearing them being curious and scared....

Worker 3 : What ?? Are you serious ?? There's nothing like Mafias....

Taehyung ( in mind ) : Ask me bro....Shut up Taehyung.... don't you dare to speak one word....just hear them.....

Worker 8 : Really ?? But I had heard that----

Someone came in there and said.....


That person left....

Worker 9 : Seems like that mafias had arrived.....

Workers again continued their work but here our Taehyung was sweating and his heart was beating hard.....he wiped his sweats and smiled to himself and whispered....

Taehyung : Calm down Taehyung... it's not her.....

Worker 7 : Who ??

He jumped on his place hearing this then realised it and smiled nervously....

Taehyung : No one....I was just..... hehehe

Worker also ignored it and Taehyung also started working thinking about her.... Then again that same person came in and said....

That person : Taehyung....

Taehyung : Yes sir

That person : They are in table no. 7....Go and take their order.....hurry

Taehyung nods and started going but his heart was pounding and his hands were shaking.... sweats were forming on his forehead.....he saw that there were five peoples sitting on a table....they were wearing whole black outfits and were looking like mafia's.... Taehyung prayed to God and started forwarding his Steps towards the table......

He reached there and said......

Taehyung : S-sir....H-how c-can I help y-you ??

Right now you need some help Taehyungiie

And why the hell you're shuttering...

They hadn't killed you yet....

Wait...are you waiting to get killed....

Jesus.... I'm sorry if I'd did any sin in this life....or in my past life.....

One of them Looked at taehyung and Taehyung gave him the menu.....
All of them gave their orders and he bows and said....

Taehyung : T-hank y-you....just w-wait a m-minute....your o-order w-will b-be served.....

All of them Looked at him and here Taehyung's get relieved when he saw them.... All of them were man and one of them was female but it was not her.

Man 2 : Why are you shuttering ?? Are you perhaps afraid of us.....

Taehyung wanted to say yes but he smiled nervously and nod in negative....

Female : If you're afraid then please don't cuz we're not any mafias....we just came here after a funeral....

Taehyung nods and left from there....as soon he entered in the kitchen all of the workers started asking him too much questions so he shut them and said.....

Taehyung : Guys.... they're not Mafias.... It's just they came here directly from a funeral....

Worker breathed out and again started working.....no one questioned more cuz their customers number were growing in each minutes.....

??? : Just 1 hour and few minutes more.... enjoy as much as you want dear Yuni..... hahahaha....


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