‼️ 37 ‼️

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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•


She Smirked and started laughing like a crazy woman and then suddenly choked his neck with her one hand and hovered over him while poking her cheek with her tongue....he realised what he did before and started crying......

Taehyung : I'm s-s-sorry....I d-d-don't know W-what h-happened s-suddenly t-that I r-r-reacted like t-that....p-p-p-please f-forgive m-me.... p-p-p-please....

While saying this he started crying more more and more....she was about to say something but then someone knocked on the door...

Yn : Who is it ??

??? : Ma'am.... It's getting late....flight is------

Yn : I'm coming

Now she turned to Taehyung only to see his fully wet eyes which were cuz of tears.... She harshly jerked his neck and stood up while saying.....

Yn : You're lucky.....

He didn't said anything and continued silent sobs.....she just rolled her eyes and left from there before closing the door....

As soon she left he stood up while wiping out his tears and said.......

Taehyung : Don't know how many times I've to fake cry like this....Not gonna lie but She's the Most innocent mafia Queen I've ever seen..... hahahahahahaha

Time skips to afternoon***

A maid came in his room and give him the lunch....

Maid : Sir.... here's your lunch

Taehyung : Umm....Can I go out of this room ?? Please.....it has been months I'm Still here.....

Maid : I'm sorry sir...I can't help you in this

Taehyung : Please

Maid : Sir.... Ma'am had put on CCTVs everywhere.....even if I want then still can't help you.....

Taehyung : Please....only once time...

Maid : I'm extremely sorry sir

Saying this she left from there and he started eating his lunch....

After eating he layed on the bed and here something hit in his mind and he ran into the bathroom....he closed the door and looked around in the bathroom and here his lips turned into a smirk.....

He pulled out a phone from a secret place and called someone.....


Taehyung : Hello

??? : Yes sir

Taehyung : Listen to me carefully.....Few minutes later you'll get a call from XXX mansion and when you'll reach there you'll see a man laying on the bed while maids and guards around him.....You only have to check him and said that " He needs fresh air and also he needs to walk everyday... atleast 2 hour cuz his body is becoming lazy and also his body functions are not working completely cuz of lack of movements... Actually he had fainted cuz of these reasons.... His body is becoming lazy day by day.....You all better take care of him " Do you got it ??

??? : Ok sir

Taehyung : Good

Calls ends

After that he broke the shower and tap in the bathroom and screamed..... listening his scream maids and guards came into his room and he was laying on the bathroom's floor while holding his head.....

Guard : What Happened sir ?? Are you ok ??

Taehyung : Do you think I'm ok ??

Maid : Why are you laying on the floor sir ??

Taehyung : Because I was trying to be Spider-Man.....

Maid : ohh....

Taehyung : Yahh....Are you guys dumb just like your Ma'am ?? Can't you see I'm hurt ?? Help me.....

Guards carried him on shoulders and make him lay on the bed and one of the maid called the doctor and few minutes later doctor came.

Doctor checked him and said......

Doctor : He needs fresh air and also he needs to walk everyday... atleast 2 hour cuz his body is becoming lazy and also his body functions are not working completely cuz of lack of movements... Actually he had fainted cuz of these reasons.... His body is becoming lazy day by day.....You all better take care of him.......


Does this chapter even make sense ??┐⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠)⁠┌

It was boring maybe.....anyways....

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