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•✧ J̳u̳s̳t̳ I̳m̳a̳g̳i̳n̳e̳ B̳a̳b̳y̳g̳u̳r̳l̳s̳ ✧•

Few minutes later she finally stopped but she didn't leave him....she was still hugging him....

Taehyung : Are you feeling better ??

Yn : hmm...

Taehyung : Wear your clothes till then I'll be back.....

He stood up and was about to go but she hold his wrist...he turned to her only to her doe moisture eyes. He sat on his knees on the ground and holds her hand....he looked in her eyes and while plastering a small smile he said....

Taehyung : Say now....

Yn : I......I.....

It was looking like her words were stuck in her throat...a tear left her eye. He wiped it off and said...

Taehyung : Yes You......say.....

Yn : I.....never.....wanted.....to.....be.... like..... This......I......also....... deserve......l-l-l-l-l-love

She said while choking in her tears...his heart started beating fast now....cuz...it was finally the time.....he Waited for so long....

Taehyung : Yeah....You also deserve love but why are you saying that " you never wanted to be like this " ?? Like what ??

Moreover he knew what she was talking but....

Yn : Taehyung......

Taehyung : I'm listening

Yn : I never wanted to be like this....like this rude....like this Heartless.....Never

Taehyung : You think you're heartless ??

Yn : *crying*

Taehyung : You're not

She widen her eyes cuz of his soothing and assuring voice....he was literally looking different Taehyung....

Yn : My......dad......and......step......mom..... Turned......me......like......this.......I......was..... never.......like......this....... please..... believe.......me.......p....p....lease....

Taehyung : I believe you

Yn : You don't....I know.....You also..... want...... something.....from.....me...... that's.......why...... you're.......here.....I know

And she wasn't wrong....He was actually there for his Mission.

His heart was beating fast and also his eyes started getting teary hearing her but before that he stood up and went to the window and stood there.... staring at sparkling stars and the moon.

Isn't it's wrong taehyung ??

No... it's not....This is your job

Stop your emotions and focus on Mission

But she's hurt and I can see in her ey---


Sorry !

He was fighting with his inner self and his inner self was screaming but his face was totally calm yet guilty. Yn came to him and turned him only to see a perfect human standing infront of her cuz his face was glowing like a angel but she didn't knew that he's devil. She holds his both hands in hers and said.....

Yn : I was 7 then......

Flashback ( 16 years ago )

Yn entered in the mansion as she was back from her school , she ran to her mother and hugged her....Her mother smiled and picked up and made sit on the cabinet of the kitchen....

Eomma : How was your day my baby ??

Yn : So good....Today we got two free periods as Teacher was absent...haha

Her mother narrowed her eyebrows with a serious face but the next moment they burst out in laughter....Her mom started tickling her and she started laughing but both of them stopped when a maid came and.....

Maid : Ma'am....Sir is calling you

Hearing this their face turned pale and...

Yn : Eomma.... don't go.... he'll hurt you again....

Eomma : No.... He'll not....Yk at morning he gave me some chocolates and also he told me that he loves me.....

Yn : Really ??

Eomma : You don't believe me ??

Yn : I believe you eomma

But little did she knew her eomma was lying....her eomma was faking her smile whole time....her eomma was acting like she's happy with her husband but in actual she was not.....No....Yn didn't knew this.

Her mother went in the room and here yn also went behind her but secretly. As soon her eomma entered in the room....Yn's dad started beating her with belt and was also threatening her that....

Dad : Don't you dare to make any noise or else your daughter will be in danger...

Only Yn's mom knew how she's controlling herself....he was beating her like she's not human but an animal....Yn was watching this while pressing her lips and tears flowing down on her cheeks....She was not going inside because of her mother's promise.

" Dear , Promise me you'll never talk with appa in angry tone....If you don't want me to die then keep this promise... please "

" Why are you saying like this eomma ? "

" Because.... "

" Because eomma ?? "

" Because....I don't want to lose you my daughter "


( First long chapter )

*.·:·.✧ σвѕєѕѕє∂ мαfια qυєєи ✧.·:·.* •|[ 𝙺𝚃𝙷𝚅 𝙵𝙵 ]|•Where stories live. Discover now